What huge dreamsign have you missed lately Part V

I was a woman and had just given birth

one thing is running away from 2 people and saying to myself, “I can’t just keep running, i’ll have to turn invisible”. but it’s another thing when i actually do…

I had to spin someone in a competition using a lollipop turner!

Oh, and nearly ruined the competition when I spun it (it was only allowing 1 turn)

I figured dreamsigns were those things that happen relatively often in dreams. Some of these sound like one off odd things…

Less than a week ago I picked “urinating” as a dream sign and started doing a reality check when I do it in real life. Last night, I had my first dream where it turned up and missed it. Need to keep at that one!

First post for me. I have been lucid dream as far back as I can remember. I am hoping I can increase how often it occurs!


that’s true, but dreamsigns are also things that are way out of your ordinary life. it’s simply something that should make you realize it’s a dream.

the other night i saw the moon morph into many moons. i even questioned someone why it did that! then came the zombies… although by then i was focusing more on getting away than doing a RC :hide:

Background note: My mom leaves me a note every morning so I know what to do. (She has to work at 6:00)

I walked out and searched for the note, and what it said was, “taco” and I was all… huh? I realized that was really wrong, but I didn’t do an RC…

However I do RCs on random things in dreams, last night I did that because my mom won the lottery. I’m a granny smith apple, no RC… Find myself with a cell phone, RC!

A derailed train driving on the road :rc:

i say a clock that said GOOG on it this dream seemed to be completely google themed.

I asked to see my spirit guide, and when I found him, all I asked is “how do YOU fly”, but before he answered I jumped off a hillside and woke up. Lame…if that wasn’t a sign, I dont know what is!

I showed my friend that I could blow up some guy with my mind, and that it was a dream. But somehow, that’s as far as it went. Like semi-lucidness.

I just thought “hey I could be lucid in this dream…I’ll do it later” and of course I didn’t do anything.

another time I heared a DC saying to another “did you know all this was just a dream?”

A giant robot with downloads avatar and name on it with a tranquillizer tub and large crane that i was stuck on

I was a giant robot with my avatar and name on it with a tranquilizer tube and a large crane I trapped Daniel in!

Wait a minute…

Nope, no coincidences!

ANYWAYS, I had a dream where I found myself on a cruise ship with my dad when I ran into my friend at school!

snow/ice growing up the side of side of houses and giant sunflowers in front of my neighbours door so you couldnt get in!

lol i did that too once. i really kicked myself when i woke up.

i was walking down the sports oval of my old primary school (despite the fact i haven’t been there in about 3 years) and everyone was talking about their dreams. i even told some guy that everyone has dreams, they just don’t remember them. when we get to the playgrond nearly everyone is crying and talking about their dreams and one guy was saying “the apocolypse is coming,” over and over :ack:

last night i dreamt i caught a hamster in my house but it transformed into a blue Gollum-like creature while i was holding it in my hands and after that i still though of it as a hamster :wam:

A guy that is knifed into his leg talks normally with a girl facepalm I mean, no pain and all? Even if there is so much blood going out of the wound?

Oh, and Chuck Norris was my martial arts teacher quadruple facepalm

lord Voldemort that didnt kill me, instead he put me in a map world :cry:

My grandad was laughing at me (hes dead IRL)

He is probably laughing at me right now

Having called 911 in France and the guy doesn’t speak French very good/at all. Mostly english :confused:
France was in a mall… :eh: :tongue: