What huge dreamsign have you missed lately Part V

i don’t skateboard any more, and i was never that great at it.
in one of my dreams i was doing a one footed manual.

I’ve had dreams about leading a group of people through zombie infested territory and that seemed normal. Now another dream me having a girlfriend set off the alarm that is was a dream. How sad is that? :cry: :grin:

it’s so funny how in a normal dream, we think all this crazy stuff that’s happening is real and don’t seem to notice obvious things wrong. That is unless you’ve gotten really good at noticing DS’s

Apparently dragons, cups of cocoa larger then me, and a wide variety of different sized marshmallows aren’t large enough signs to let me know its a dream. I really wonder about myself sometimes.

this last night i was in a western dream…recovering from a brawl with swords between pirates, cowboys, and some other group that i don’t recall.
i asked the bartender to fill up glasses with different levels of water and drumsticks so i could drum while drinking Shiner. The bartender then gave me “withdrawal pills” that were the size of the little movie ticket stubs. Then i went to my rented room and laughed without ending at my pet tiger…

something fishy there

I was in a dream, doing a reality check, i looked at my hands and they were talking to me. Just walked on and didn’t notice it was a dream :ding:

A portal on the highway without cars :razz:

a mushroom grew from 1 foot tall to 4 feet tall and had tendrils that allowed it to “communicate” with one of my DC’s (portraying an IRL friend)

last night i had this dream that I was in a bar. Now I’m 16, how does that work?
I asked a DC and he told me that i was allowed to be there, but i just couldn’t drink. Too bad I asked him because it might have clicked in if I was just there and I’m under 18. Then I would have been like… “hey wait a minute”
but no, i had to go and open my huge mouth…

Last night a DC realised he was dreaming and told me that he was lucid dreaming!
There were even a couple of metal banners in it a little similar to the largest ding sign
In HIs Lucid Dream

This is quite embarassing, but last night, I chopped off my own private parts! :eek:
What would Freud think of me?
Edit: Cool, I just realized I actually had dream recall because of MILD! :happy:
But I think I won’t put this dream in my DJ. Far grosser things happened in that dream… :yuck: I feel sick now… no really… :yuck:
Almost all the dreams I am having lately are really gross.
What would Freud think of me?

Freud, I don’t like him. My opinion, he’s to sexual hahaha. I like Jung his theory about dreaming much more. :grin: / offtopic.

Ha last nigt. I was at the swimming pool and I forgot where my clothes were. First of all I never go swimming again… :dingding: and second I never forget where my clothes are. :ding:
Boh! :tongue:

External music didnt make me to RC :cry: :ding:

Its a new tecnique I try, but Ive not ben questioning music from nowhere :meh:

last night I was dreaming that I was reading the paper. And there was an article about how a certain beer that I very much enjoy IRL had added ingredients to encourage lucid dreams. Unfortunately they didn’t tell the public and someone died of allergic reaction.

I never thort that I would actually read about lucid dreaming in my dreams and not realise.

Yeah! according to him, kids sucking thumbs is an early sign of sexual behavior :eh:

Were you trying WILD?
And what do you mean by ‘questioning music from nowhere’?

I know this is offtopic, but please allow me to answer the questions :tongue: To the first question I would say not exactly. Check my DJ :tongue:

Question number 2: Its a radio I listen to and the sound comes from there :thumbs: the dreamsign is that if I hear music its a way to trigger the LD :colgate:

  1. a close person to me, who recently passed away, was one of the main charecters in my dream
  2. i was playing football and was able to jump quite high - exactly the thing many people in this forum talk about (not being able to fly but being able to jump very high)

…now why the hell should you be jumping really high when playing football…?

something bad had happened in the dream and i wondered whether i was dreaming or wished so… so i could just wake up from all of this…
No luck while in the dream! :confused:
But i was so releaved when i actually woke up…

I was… breathing underwater. :grin:

Not as much of a missed dream sign as much as a missed dream theme.
(Im putting the following in spoilers cuz it’s kinda bloody and disturbing so the people that don’t want to don’t have to see it…)

SPOILER - Click to view

It’s actually quite common for me to have a dream theme where I look down and notice a piece of skin on my leg hanging off. When I pull the skin away, it takes most of the skin off my leg revealing strange little black beads connected to the inside of my leg by little strings. When I pull the beads off and break them, little rocks and tiny black bugs come out.It’s realy nasty, but doesn’t hurt…

I get that dream theme all the time, but I never catch it and become lucid!!! :cry: