A train went from the rails to the streets
Inception much?
I wasn’t going to pass out from seeing a needle.
“Wait, this is the dream i had yesterday. Then this must be a Lucid Dream! Cool”.
Thanks what was on my mind this night. I don’t remember anything afterwards, not waking up and not continuing the dream. Not really a missed dreamsign but I think it fits in the thread.
Note: The dream I had the day before was non-lucid and the dream I had tonight was at the same place.
I noticed the clock acting funny, but before i could turn lucid I woke up on the floor in the living room of my old house, but didn’t realize it was a FA. So in my dream I was now frustrated I had woken up when becoming lucid and afterwards I was even more frustrated, because I didn’t even notice the FA.
Some guy was sitting in a giant rubber duck and flying towards the ceiling upside down. About as obvious as it can get
I walked on a very intense trafficated railroad and almost got ranover by a local train
Uhmmm…try adding trains to your dream sign list in general?
My fails:
1st: I was dreaming that I was going with my friend somewhere,and suddenly I saw a mirror.I thought “Hmmm,I read that in dreams mirrors don’t reflect people quite good” But the worst is,that I actually looked at the mirror,saw myself distorted,and refused to look again 'cause I was “afraid to turn this dream into a nightmare”.And I continued on…
2nd: Had an FA after a DILD,and there I talked to a guy about lucid dreaming,he said that he is WILDing and has never heard of DILDs (probably the reflection of my everynight failed WILD attempts,I was on a summer vacation that I just returned from while posting this ). So I tell him that I had exactly that type of lucid dream moments ago. I just didn’t find it necessary to pinch my nose,just in case
3rd: This one was from vacation too,I was talking to a friend and I had just returned from the vacation.We talk about something and I say to him “You know,I had a dream that I returned from vacation,I dreamed about this(I really did have an ND that I was home)” Again,no RC
Haha last night I had a dream that I was at a garage sale. They had these yoga audio tapes, one of them was labeled something to the tune of “Lucid Dream Meditation” I wanted to get it but knew my parents wouldn’t like it. I didn’t even think of doing a RC.
I found a dog in my room
I was trying to text but everytime i looked up from the keyboard the letters were all jumbled up. lol i was so frustrated that i couldn’t text for some reason. I blamed it on my skill though, rather than me being in a dream.
In that dream there was a child running around the city, changing things around him as he went.
How could he do something like that? Well, because he was dreaming, of course !
And I didn’t think of doing a RC.
I was sitting in a bus model that doesnt pass my area anymore
I had one where i was going to work and i went to the time clock to punch in for my shift and the time clock was really huge and the LCD screen on it was very hard to read. The time clock looked like some ancient nick nack thing you would find in a museum. Its hard to describe the way it looked but it looked like something you would buy in an antique store. I remember getting frustrated because i didnt understand how to use this new “time clock” it looked so bizzare I though “why couldnt they keep the old one?!” lol
Last night I dreamed that my mom picked up a black widow spider by its legs! o.O
And IRL she HATES spiders! She’s so scared of them, that she can’t even stand having one outside the windows on our house.
Anyway, she took it and placed it in my face! I tried to get it off, but to no avail. My family wasn’t much of a help either, who just stood there watching me…
Now the spider tried to crawl into my ear! geez, that surely was a nasty experience! I tried to block its way, but it got inside of my head. I thought about how it could just eat my brain lol, but nothing happened. Until it started to talk to me, telepathically! I got to know him as Raa (weird name), and he turned out to be a pretty nice guy, lol xD
Was in a local train and saw many more routes on the map than the 2 shown IRL
Do you ever not travel with trains and busses in your dreams…must be really easy for you to know when to do a RC, lol.
Only dream sign I missed last night was that I couldn’t read my own handwriting…not very strange though, because that also happens in real life.
But the problem is that most of my dreams start inside the train and its not often I RC once inside a train
I was in a different dimension…It started out where I was walking through doors and running away from bio hazardous monsters. The dream was like a video game. In fact, it resembled game play from a game called parasite eve, I and II since their are two in the series. I was climbing up a metal stair case when somebody started following me. It was Aya, or No. 9 from the second game. I was scared it was going to be number 9 so I ran but something stopped me and then I woke up.
You know when you start dreaming about video game dimensions that somethings is up and it is a dream sign. But I can’t seem to break dreaming about it, it is like a normal dream to me.
I was in a rather lengthy dream, lots of people, lots of rooms, like an extended party, but it was supposed to be at its core a gym. I couldn’t make much sense of it, and at one point, I retired to a nearly empty room, there was just a lady there tidying up, I think. She started dancing, kind of, around the room…her feet were moving rather like a ballet stance, en point, but she started to move them in a way where they were not touching the ground, like a sort of flying, but not very far off the ground, as if she were dancing on a layer of air. I was amazed, and I thought, it is almost as if she is flying (that would often clue lucidity, but not this time). Then, I even said, Oh, I had a dream about this…I dreamed I would come here, be really bored, and then you would end up entertaining me with your dancing. My unconscious mind actually tried to wake me up by reminding me of dreaming. LOL