What huge dreamsign have you missed lately?

one time i had a dream in which i laid down on top of water and tried to fall asleep so that i could have a lucid dream… i didn’t realize that i was dreaming even though half the sky on the beach was night half was day… also billy corgan was filming a movie using the jurassic park SUV’s… yeah LDing is tough for me cause i really don’t doubt these things

another time i complained about the fact that i couldn’t fall asleep after 4.5 hours of lying in the bed… but that was the night that i was still sleeping on… so i was complaining about sleep i was currently having…

god, can one of you guys hop over into my dreams and just tell me i’m dreaming it’ll take a load off

This morning I was fighting Ninjas in the Garage of a house I haven’t been to in about 10 years :tongue:

The biggest dream signs i’ve missed lately were ones of me living back in my old house. Out of all the things to be practiced for lucid dreaming i think i kind of leave attention of dreamsigns out. Maybe i should re-do a list.

Yeah, I agree with Probobo. I’ve never looked for dreamsigns or paid much attention to their use but I take it you can become lucid if you notice one?! Maybe I should be doing that as well!

I guess if I had being paying attention, last night I had a long dream about being a backup guitarist for a buddy’s band. I’ve never been on stage (I think I’d have stage fright) but I’ve had many dreams of singing or being in front of an audience. Also, being naked in front of people. Never happens in real life, but always in my dreams! lol I’m going to post these dreams in my Dream Data later tonight. (Recalled four dreams from last night!)

Yesterday i dreamt that i was flying on a bike.
Pretty weird, but funny.
btw, here’s what the bike looks like :happy: (exept that it doesnt have wings)
And oh, this week i also dreamed that i had an ld in my dream or something like that… very annoying…

I missed the biggest dreamsign of all time last night…

I had a false awakening, i woke up in some kinda cage, :neutral: my dad was there, and i told him about lucid dreams trying to convince him that it is very special experience etc…

Then he takes a car and go away, i do as well…

I’m driving, ( which is my clearest dreamsign, since i don’t have a car neither a driver licence :bored: ) and i remember thinking : “well it’s cool, if i was dreaming this i would know, since i don’t drive in real life !!” and i continued driving ignoring completely the non- sense of my thoughts!!.. :grrr: :angry:

I visited the chatroom last night…it looked like a real room and I could actually see the people in it. I have been lucid in that room so many times, but not last night.

Every single NLD I’ve ever had is like one gigantic missed dreamsign that might as well be painted neon-orange with the words “DREAM” scrawled across it in bright green for its obvious lack of resemblance to waking life. To give you an example, I dreampt last night that I was wandering around in a building full of concert halls, some of which were actually giant hermaphroditic dragons whose mouths acted like doors, and whose stomachs were both conspicuously lacking acid and as large as any normal recital hall, not to mention containing music stands and instruments.

What’s more, my dreams are always this strange. I’ve encountered everything from flying around a state park dotted with supposedly ancienct structures that actually consisted of rusty ladders extending upwards to wooden platforms mounted on steel poles on a guitar with an internal combustion engine where the bridge usually is to involuntarily flying through the air towards a hairless, rabid monkey with red eyes and no pupils. Needless to say, if I were at all adept at noticing dreamsigns, I’d be crowned the King of Lucidity.


I constantly have dreams based on video games that are action packed. I never pick up that I’m dreaming. :cry:

Last night I had the “multiplying contact lenses” motif in a dream – and that’s been a personal DS since before I read LaBerge’s stuff.

But it’s never got me over the threshold. Last night, for the first time I at least had some passing thought that this was a common dream-theme, but I didn’t quite stay focused on that thought enough to become lucid.

My subconscious was clearly trying to get my attention on this; I found a contact lens with a simple target design on it – but my dream-logic caused it to be re-interpreted as a cosmetic contact (ie. to change eye-color) and the target quickly morphed into an iris.



Still, all things considered, I have to consider this to be evidence of improvement.

I had a weird dream where I was standing around a round table, recruited to help find some ancient artifact. Next thing I know I was being scanned with this big green energy beam :eh:
I really should’ve noticed something weird was going on here :content:

Damn I’m stupid! :grrr: Last night I had a dream where I was asking my friend how he knows that this isn’t a dream. When I woke up, I was kind angry.

Same for me, everything is different than in real life.

I just dreamt that my dad asked me about lucid dreams and i started to explain about it.
Extremely annoying…
And i also dream a lot of being inside video games and anime’s XD

Just last night I dreamt that I was playing a videogame, and i scrolled down the main menu to find a “Lucid Dreaming” mode.
Instead of “wait a sec, am I dreaming?” im like “hey, that sounds like a pretty fun gameplay mode!”


oh yah, i do that all the time, like in my other dream, a car(one of the main points of the dream) pulled into a lane on the street that i live on that well, isn’t there O_o. And another time, a greek salad just appeared beside a filled bathtub, i mean, if thats not abnormal then…

yupp, dreams are fuuunky

PS: MY RECALLS GOING INSAAANE!!! I’ve remebered a dream every night for the past 4 nights(im on a roll!)

Does flying and walking through solid walls count as missing a dream sign :wink:

Yeh i do that ^^ I’ve went home on a wheel chair :confused:

Once I was running to the basement of the house in the wake of a tornado warning, when I suddenly got the urge to do an RC. Heck, the world went into super slow-mode when the thought popped into my head.

Yet, I didn’t do the RC and go lucid because I “feared that the tornados would infect my other dreams.”

Ahhh. o_O

Also a few nights ago I read somewhere that You can’t turn lights on in a dream. So somehow, a part of me decided to have a mini lucid dream just to test that theory and immediatly after that I went into a normal dream. The idea of being lucid only stayed in my mind for like 2 seconds then it was gone.

(The lights actually didn’t go on even though I really wanted them to, and I usually never have trouble doing things in LDs)