what do you think would happen if you (during a lucid dream of course) ripped off your face infront of a mirror? what would you see? skull and blood? or your inner self? how you picture youself looking like? this just poped into my head and i was wondering. i might try it during my next ld if i get a chance.
o ya and another thing that poped into my head. what if we made a box appear and opened it. expecting somthing to be in it. but don’t know what’s in it. like don’t try to imagine somthing in the box but open it and be surpized? i’m weird i know
or what if you made a huge ladder appear going down into a deep hole ? and just went down and found out where it goes… or make it go up?
I once ripped my head off in front of the bathroom mirror in a non-lucid dream. It was loose and it didn’t bleed, it just looked weird. I panicked ofcourse and tried to get it back on the rest of the dream
lol not exactly what i had in mind but alrighty
what if you turned into the sun or the earth . what would you feel , or see?!
Black ribbons.
Looked like black, then I picked it up and it was ribbons.
Why dontcha try for yourself?
See what happens.
Cool (and a little freaky) ideas for an LD. I don’t think I’d want to rip my face off, expecting to see a disgusting mess. Oh, but one LD I had a while back I was manipulating my HI and I saw this lady at my school and I made her face melt. It was all gooey and dripping off: pretty gross. Guess it’s different for everyone. Hope your face doesn’t do some trippy “The Ring” type of morph. Now that’s truly disturbing.
lol thanks for the nightmares sno_isulli but hey it’s all just a illusion
True. If only I could fully believe that in my waking life. . .
What would expect to see? I know what I’d expect to see, and it wouldn’t be pretty .
But if strange ideas for lucid dreaming is the call of the day, why don’t you:
=> Rip of one of your arms, and use it as a weapon? Hours of free fun for all the familly…
=> Pull out your eyes, and place them in various locations. There you go, budget security cameras!
=> Cut open your own torso, and look at your insides. Especially useful just before you take an exam on biology.
=> Make all the DC arouns turn inside out. Now… go find a girl that use to be good looking… lots of fun for the more disturbed perverts out there…
And if I give anyone nightmares… ha ha! I made you have a nightmare!
With all the disturbing images in movies, shows, books and news, nothing could give me nightmares nowadays.
I had anouther lucid last night, this time I got rusted tacks.
I tried to remember your other ones, but couldn’t. I remember walking though something, so I walked through a wall. I came out the other side, nothing happened. Ah well