Ok this is a post where i hope i get some damm deep answers
What is a dream?
Is it a place where our thoughts fix them selfs, do we go to another place, Is it just random pictures?
My thory is this. Agree or not up to you but plz post
We think in pictures right, not words or letters. Now you think of somthing as simple as a pen. What else comes to mind? Paper, book blue black. Simple. But what about the thoughts behind the thought. Like for me i would think about school i am only 16
But to you it might be work or maybe you think about your schooling. Now you have a small dream picture. I am at school holding a pen, which is blue, i am sitting in class. And so i form a further dream picture by a little more though. What class am i in? Psych? right ok so my teacher is telling me about the brain. i could go on for hours like this. But I think this is the basis for most dream scens. Now i also think there is alot of subconciouss action happing as well. Now i cant say what that is cause i dont know
Actually, you’re very close to the Freudian* psychological definition of dreams there. Now, mostly, Freud is a bit creepy, but I think he had the right idea with dreams. Well, where you said “pictures”, he used the word “symbols”, which I think describes it better. Every element in our dreams is made from something we saw/thought about/were reminded of/whatever the previous day. Freud also thought that dreams were “wish fulfillments”, ie. they let your mind do the stuff it really wants, but without any real consequence IRL. Although, most of the time, the wish is deeply hidden under layers of disguise.
*for those of you who don’t know, Freud was a psychologist ages ago. Some say he’s the father of modern psychology.
I want to believe its the independant world and propably one we go to after we die.The world where thought has a creating power.
Many things match this theory,many dont.Im unsure and i put a bit faith in it:)
hmmmm i agree with some of Freud but i hate his wish idea. think he was a fool. He thought that you had to get over your sexual desire for your parrents to get on with life, now what the hell. Dreams are speical and i do belive that they do go on after death, my view of the after life is what we chose it to be and what we think it will be. Ie hink u r going to heaven, there u go, hell, u go there, no afterlife? feel sorry 4 ya u dissipear. I think it will be one big lucid dream, kinda with the bhuda on that. ok i spelt that wrong sorry.
Has any one heard of the opp to frueds point of view? They say dreams mean nothing. They are just brain patterns. Weel for all of ya who say that i guess u ant gone lucid yet or even remember ur dreams.
The majority of my non-lucid dreams are wish-fufillment dreams. I’ve been living away from my family for awhile now, and I’ve noticed that when I’m really missing them, or even when I don’t realize I’m missing them I’ll have a dream where we are all together and getting along perfectly. I’ll wake up and feel as though this had really happened. I’ve also had this happen with dreams about old friends. Sometimes I’ll just dream that I’ve painted a masterpiece. I think our non-lucid dreams definetly reflect our wants and needs. Whether they come up as wish-fufillment or fear or frustration dreams, depends on who knows what?? I’ve had all types of dreams, but obviously the wish fufillment are the best because they actually seem to helpful.
Even though you are sleeping as we all know, your brain is very active. I think that lik you said
I think that our brain gets triggered by other events during sleep. Like you said.
Yesterday i had a dream… Since we are out of school i haven’t seen this one chic for a while and she is a really good friend. I went to the store where she worked w/ my dad and we met and blah blah blah. We talked for a while then left. Well I like her and stuff… so I thought about it for a while. That night i had a dream about her . (didn’t do anything too bad in the dream thought .
I think that your dreams are triggered by other thoughts…final.