What is happening?

I’m 14, and I have sleep walking/sleep talking/ night terrors, less frequently then I used too. I used to have them about every other night, now it almost down to 1 per month, so I’ve been told. I understand that I am simply outgrowing them, but something new is happening. When I have a night terror or something like that, I now am fully aware of everything. It’s not like something is controlling my body and I’m just watching helplessly, I actually go under this mindset and act crazy/scared/angry. One time I almost beat up my mother during one of these. Frequently, I have this uncontrollable fear that comes over me when this is happening. It feels like I have done something truly horrible, and my mother is always trying to comfort me. I’m not sure what is happening, but if anyone can offer any type of explanation, it would be greatly appreciated.

I’d say you are a teen.

But knowing that nothing is ever simple, I must ask: Did you dream that you almost beat up your mom or did you actually almost beat up your mom?

I actually almost beat up my mom. At first I thought it could have been a dream, so in the morning I asked her if I slept walked or anything like that and she retold the story exactly how I remember it.

there have been previous topics on night terrors
here are the link to them …
Night terrors… a year old
Night Terrors? an even older topic
there are a few links to information elsewhere in those topics. I hope you find the answers to your question :content:

Have you noticed being especially tired or hungry while angry at your mom?
Maybe you need to work out?

(Sorry for my useless questions, I am trying to understand what is happening)

It tends to happen mostly when I am sick.

one last question: What did you and your mom do when you got angry over her?

When I have night terrors, I don’t act like myself. At the time, I was trying to tell her something and she was calmly telling me to lie down.

I don’t think I can tell you what Is happening, but it does sound similar to things that happen to me. Mainly, having an urge to be aggressive toward people at certain times when they talk to you, even though you are te complete oposite in every other ocassion. Also, this doesn’t occur when with close friends only. Maybe there is a need to some sort of working out (To output energy).

Hmm, ever since I’ve started working out and training it hasn’t happened. We’ll just have to see what happens next time I get sick.

So, I have a theory: Whenever you have excess energy, and you have less control over yourself than usual (mentaly), than it happens.

Just take a note, that it applies to me almost perfectly. The only difference is that it happens when I’m tired (Haven’t I said that already?), so It happens more often.

Hmm, but when I’m sick, (which is when this happens most) I have almost no energy.

Are you sure you have no energy left? Make sure to distinguish batween not having the energy to do anything (Like when you are depressed, or just feel bad) and batween not having any energy. The first just proves my point, while the second eliminates it. So, how do you feel when you are sick?

As I have read on wikipedia about night terrors, I learned something:

Read more

Ah, thank-you! That would explain it!