I am wondering because if OBEs are supposed to take place in real life, doesn’t that greatly limit what you can do in them?
You cannot start kissing some random attractive person for example, for obvious reasons, and the surroundings would be all too ordinary, since it is real life.
Of course, I understand that experiencing real life as a spirit and being able to fly or teleport to any location in an instant would be an incredibly fantastic experience, but does that really make up for the fact that it would be more limited that regular lucid dreams?
Well, if I’m not mistaken, you could also go “other places” which are real, like the astral plane, for example (if you believe in it, of course). Talking to real entities that aren’t created by your mind, dead relatives, etc.
Emphasis on “if I’m not mistaken”
Some people just become obsessed? Maybe the same reason people are drawn to lucidity, it’s just a curious thing.
Some people might want to see if it’s actually possible. If it is, it means the mind can exist outside the physical body which could suggest the possibility of an afterlife. That’s what I think anyway . I’ve never really been too bothered with trying to get one, though.
Of course some will not bother Themselves with eradicating the foundation of reality.
That would bother Themselves away<
For that exact reason Themselves will not allow such foolishness, for whom such bothersome foolishness is an all out threat; as is shared dreaming and such activities.
Who is willing to know?..who knows,
but Themselves sure doesnt want You to.
People just want to check if it’s possible. If it is then they want to discover the world. Sometimes talk to someone, who died. Or are just curious, how it feels to be like a ghost . I’m interested in OBE too, because I want to prove myself that human abilities are awesome! And I would like to travel to a higher dimension and check, how do the souls work.
But I will try OBE, after I master LDs.
P.S. I think that someone said this, but I will repeat: emoticons here are great!
why some people don’t want OBEs?
Its new realm to explore. I came across LDs studying OBE and astral traveling.
I stayed with LD because they seems to be more achievable for me.
I’m just wandering how many times I experienced OBEs and don’t remember them. I don’t even remember all my dreams yet.
Well, I personally consider OBE’s and False Awakenings to be almost the same kind of experience.
I have had FA’s several times myself (I always become lucid in them, though) and I have to say that it feels a lot like what I imagine an OBE to be like.
The only funny part about my FA’s is that I don’t actually see myself lying in bed, it’s as if I have physically gone out of bed in a parallel dimension or something.
But yes, I certainly hope myself that OBE’s are possible, it would no doubt be a completely unique experience in many ways.
In fact I believe a few of Stephen LaBerge’s subjects have confirmed correct information from real life a couple times, which is very exciting.