What is 'Lucid Living' ?

Hi Friends,
Can anyone explain to me what exactly is ‘lucid living’?
Is it living in the real world, thinking that u r dreaming all the time?
How to do ‘lucid living’? Is this effective?
What if it causes dis-illusionment and distortment?

it means that you have to mantaine the highest level of awarenesse in the day.the same awarenesse that you have when you have lucid dreams. its very stersfull at the begining but it totaly worth it.because it will make lucid dream naturaly if you master it.if you want ill give you a link to a topic about lucid living

Pls give me the link. I am very intrested to knw that…

ADA is lucid living.its the same.

It seems very easy to forget about this technique, though;
I’ve had periods quite recently when I have maintained that wonderful meditative feeling of awareness for 3-4 days, and then I just find myself doing it less and less often and then I have to restart again - but at that point I tend to feel too little interest and excitement to be able to reach that meditative state again, so I have to wait a few days and then retry. :tongue:

It’s also a lot harder to Live Lucid when there is a lot of noise and distractions around you - it’s definitely much easier to do this when I’m home alone in my house (which I, of course, cannot be all the time).

I’ll say this on the topic. It’s pretty easy to either get lazy or forget about LL/ADA, however if you do keep it up, it will pay off. When I first looked into it it took a couple of weeks to set in, but when I kept it up I was easily able to have 1-5 LD’s per week. If you keep it up, it will work. Heck, Wyvern, who literally does not have ND’s anymore, uses LL as his main way of being lucid.

Using Lucid Living, you’ll be able to tell you’re dreaming simply by how different the dream feels from reality. :grin:

Does this mean that LL is more or less as useful as writing in a DJ?
Obviously you could (and should) do both of them, but I’m still curious. :slight_smile:

Similar posts merged together :tardis:

I have a short question about Lucid Living. I know how to do it etc, but why should it work? I mean, a dream can be as realistic as real life, so being aware of my surroundings shouldn’t help right?

It’s probably not the most intelligent question, but I have a point right?

Or is it because 90% of the dreams are still random and not close to the real world?

Just being curious here! :content:

I think you’re kind of missing the key to lucid living. Like you pointed out, dreams can be incredibly life like. I’ve become lucid in dreams before and I really couldn’t believe it at first because of how clear and perfect everything was. It’s when you have a dream like that where you have a realization: you honestly cannot tell the difference between a dream and reality sometimes.

With lucid living, the trick is not to simply be aware of everything. Awareness will help you spot DS, hence techniques like All Day Awareness (ADA) being effective. However, lucid living involves the realization that you could literally be dreaming at any time. There is no reason to not think that you could be dreaming at any time. How do you know you’re not dreaming right now? What proof do you have that this is real? Haven’t you had dreams that have at least seemed to be just as real?

I think that the real point of Lucid Living is to change your dreams from non aware to aware. If we are aware throughout our day than it will carry over into our dreams.

I’d say its pretty much as useful as writing is.
Being more aware lets you notice more details and be more conscious while
writing in a DJ will help remembering the experience and knowing your dreams.
Doing both boost efficiency :razz:

DreamerZero: I’d still hold to what I said before. What you’re describing is more of ADA. It is very important and a big part of LL, but I think it’s only a part of the whole. Awareness is one thing; I can be aware that everything around me looks perfectly normal and everything is as it should be. To take it the next step, you need to be able to discern from there whether or not you’re dreaming. If taken from the point-of-view that you probably are dreaming, rather than are not, you’re more likely to be able to become lucid even in an entirely realistic dream. To me, that is what LL really is.

Oh! I thought LL and ADA was the same, so my previous question was actually about ADA. But I get your point now.

Thank you, Nethys. :smile:

I have practiced this seriously for two days now and it’s pretty easy so far since I spend a few 10-minute moments a day focusing on noticing everything I can (I also like to use as many senses as possible, so I usually sit down somewhere and have some yoghurt or something at hand, so I can also taste and smell as effectively as possible).

It does feel kind of overwhelming sometimes though, I frequently find myself forgetting about something, kinda like “okay now I’m looking at the surroundings, listening to sounds and feeling my clothes etc - but whoops! now I forgot to notice my eyes blinking and what the air smells like, so I’ll do that - but now I forgot to listen attentively to all possible sounds” and so on.
Guess it’s just natural to act like this in the beginning, though! :tongue:

I like to compare our brain to a computer.
Trying to focus on everything at once is like trying to cram 32gb in 4gb of RAM.
With training (unlike a computer) you can increase that “RAM” which will allow you squeeze more at the same time :razz:
Oh, I’m also going to do this everyday :smile:
A process quite similar to meditation it seems.

This week I started to do Lucid Living this way:
I look at my surroundings and pretend that they are a dream world, and I try to imagine what could lie hidden behind or inside places - like for example if I see a house I ask myself “what could I find in that house if this was a dream?”, or if I see mountains far away I ask myself “what could I find hidden behind those mountains?”, and I realize that in a dream it could be absolutely anything; I can even stare at a corner in my house and wonder “what could be lurking around that corner?”.
This makes reality itself feel new and exciting, and very much like a dream.

Is this a good way to practice LL?