I’ve been thinking recently about our concept of time, more specifically about our concept of “now.” what exactly is “now”? To me, it seems, there is no now. If i attempt to reflect upon the now, its no longer the now. If I try to just “exist” in a specific moment…I can’t… If time is infinent…then it would be impossible to measure time because “now” is infininetly small…but infinently large at the same time…It’s very difficult for me to comprehend. I later read Siddhartha, and took notice of Siddhartha’s ultimate conclusion, that “It seems otherwise because we are prey to the illusion that time is a reality. But time is not real, Govinda; I have experienced this time and time again. And if time is not real, then the span that seems to lie between the worl of eternity, between sorrow and bliss, between evil and good is also an illusion.” “What do you mean?” asked Govinda uneasilty. " LIsten well dear friend, listen well! The sinner that I am and that you are is a sinner, but someday he will be a Brahmin again, some day he will achieve Nirvana, he will be a Buddha. And now listen: This 'someday’is an illusion, is merely a metaphor! The sinner is not on the way to becoming a BUddha, he is not innvloved in a development, althought our thinking cannot imagine things in any other way. No, the sinner now and today, already contains the fuutrure Buddha, his future is fully here, you must worship in the sinner, in you, in everyone, the developin, the possible, the hidden BUddha. …No, the world is perfect at every moment, all sin already contains grace, all youngsters already contain oldsters, all babies contain death, all the dying contain eternal life. …in deep meditation it is possible to eliminate time, to see all past, all present, all developing life as coexisting, and everything is good, everything perfect, everything is Brahma…"".
Yeah, it kinda keeps going but its message states that the past, now (or called present), and future are all part of a single, eternal NOW…So what do all of you people think?