What is so wrong about it??!!

Strange indeed, I’m 25 years old and I enjoy massive multiplayer UT or QUAKE. Not to mention strategy games like warcraft, age of mythology, age of wonders (especially shadow magic!)… Hey! than you have RPG’s which I’ve always loved (I could ramble on and on, but I wont :wink: )
Thing is, do what YOU want, and NEVER let outside opinions affect you, society is bent on shaping people to its needs, its stereotypes, whatever. Clear example would be smoking (before it was well seen and now it is frowned upon). Bottom line is: Times change, and things that are good now, will become bad later and the other way around! so dont worry, be yourself and S**** those who think otherwise!!! (just as long as you aren’t causing anyone any harm :razz: But you understand where I’m getting at. Be yourself, not a machine which is programmed)

where i live its kind of like, people accept you if you play videogames, but if you play gameboy advance they see you as immature or w/e. i love videogames, they are my obsession. heres a link to all the videogames i own:


It is totally opposite here… When i went to school, most other students played computer games aswell…

Even my dad plays games! A workmate of him, usually bring with his ps2/pc to job when they work nightshifts :smile:

Isn’t it just because they are 15 year olds? What can you expect? :tongue: :eh:

You know most people who owns a PS2 or xbox are 15-30. Ask your friends what they like to do instead, tell them to be specific. I bet they’ll tell you they like to go out (or something similar that sounds cool). Ask where they usually go out (at age 15)… :smile:

I mean videogames is about the most fun thing you are allowed to do when you’re 15! Even at age 20 they’re still one of the most fun things :content:

um im 21 and I play computer games all the time hehe.

Man your posts have filled me with joy on the world… lol :grin: .

I did ask them what they do in free time… and ive conclueded they do almost the same thing… wach tv. lol

that was the best way to counter them. it’s strange that the coolest ones in the ages between 13-15 are the most pathetic.

I’m 25 and I play computer games. And so do pretty much everyone I know of that’s about my age or younger.

Every thing is good in moderation. Except alcohol, its good at any dosage. But seeing as the one asking the question is 15, they would never have even smelled beer :wink: . Oh yea so back to my train of thought, do what you want. But try to keep it in moderation eh? Who can you talk to about video games if you become a hermit, spending all your time playing games instead of maintaining some relationships.

As I’m finishing typing this up I suddenly realize “Why?” Who dug up a thread this old?

SomE ppl now adays r so stupid and immature that they lOok 4 reasons to make fun of u …seriously… like what the hell is that ?!? :eh:

Never let any1 discourage u from doing something that U enjoy! :smile:

ya what he said :wink:

heh, Usually when people hit 15 their year group divides into groups of people:

1: The “Townies”

These would be people who play football and listen to Pop, R’n’B and Rap. They like to look the same as everyone else, Punch people randomly to fuel their egos, talk about how they have sex all the time and generally come up with stupid ways to discriminate half the population of their school. People are afraid of this type of person not becaus of their great strength, but becaus of their great numbers. They are also very popular with the female population. Members of this group generally have a low intelligence.

2: The Creative People

The people into music and the arts generally tend to band together. Its strange and almost co-incidental that they meet but they generally become good freinds. I myself am a part of this group. Most of these people get along pretty well and most really hate the previous group. The people in this group are generally more mature but tend to have stupid ideas, which they actually carry out. The members of this group are above the average rate of intelligence.

3: The Rejects

These people who are either very intelligent, or aboslutely stupid. They get along well with each other as the less intelligent people band with the more intelligent people. They usually find themselves associating alot with the previous group. They are usually picked on by the first group for being different in some way. There is alot of variation in this group, generally anyone different from anyone else can end up here.

These three groups are evident in my school. This is a massive generalisation but in some cases is strangely acurate.

Dont let the townies bring you down, just be satisfied in watching them screw up their lives. Remember that THEY are the rejects, not you. All they have to do is look at the amount of people that dislike them to see that.

Dont fuel their egos by getting down about it.