Hi Guys…I am Lakshminarayan from India…I am new to this site…I am greatly interested in lucid dreaming and the potential solution it can offer to problems…
Ok, Here’s my first Query…
I usually go to sleep around 11:30 PM and gets up at 5:30…I have no problem in remembering my dreams, But what i find intriguing is that i get some of the dreams relating to lucid dreaming, like for example, on the other day i had a dream in which i was in a class and the professor was explaining to me how to have a lucid dream…Upon awakening i could vaguely remember what he said but i could remember the dream…
I had a series of small LDs lasting for few seconds…
Ok, now my query is, suppose i get up at 5:30 in the morning and goes to sleep (WBTB) at 7:30, What is the best thing to do in the interim period which will increase the likeliness of LD? And what to do in bed right before drowsing off?
And how to exactly do LD incubation in the bed? What is MILD? How to do it correctly?
Sorry for the barriage of questions…I am Very Enthusiastic…
Thanks Guys…