What is the coverage by non english LD websites like?

I know this is LD related but I didn’t know where to stick it.

Question is what coverage of Lucid Dreaming in non english speaking countries? I am mainly talking about web coverage but it can be any media.

I know there are dutch, german and I think I remember a brazilian one but appart from that I don’t know? Can you post links to web resources and forums in languages other than english here?

I’d be intrested to know if LDing is a bit of a English speaking/European intrest. Are there massive Chinese LDing communities for example?

Cheers just curious

Ask the Tibetan monks :smile:. They know all about lucid dreaming!

You know a Tibetan dream yoga forum r3m0t?? Would be awesome if there’s such a forum out there :smile:

Haha. I don’t. I think the Tibetan monks have better things to do than connect with us inferiorly-oriented beings. :wink:

Lol yeah probably :smile:

I’ll search around a bit for non-english forums. But it’s difficult because if they exist, they’re probably in the native language… Hooray for online English-[language] dictionaries :smile:

Yes I bet :-

  1. they don’t do many tibetian websites
  2. I recon given the choice they would not liked to be lumped in with China

Would be good if they did do websites though :cool: you can get lots of tibetian websites in English though.

a non english lucid dreaming site:
lucidnesanje.com :content: stradivar’s forum :smile:

It is porly covered by most languages exept English, Dutch and a few northen or eastern countries. Westerns tend to be scepticle about lucid dreaming, so smaller nations don’t get to have lucid dreaming forums.


This is a norwegian lucid dreaming site.

I am just back from my 7 week trip in india, I visited a tibetan refugee-camp there. Got to say that

  1. Tibetans monks are very happy to explain buddhism to us inferior beings (though only few of them are good at english). Actually, they are both the most friendly and the most jolly people I ever met, smiling and laughing all the time (and not in a fake way).

  2. Not all Tibetans monks know a lot about lucid dreaming. The ones I visited followed the theoretical way, philosophie and knowledge, not so much direct practice.

I know you weren’t that serious, but perhaps someone finds this interesting :smile:

About german LD resources, there is a young LD forum. I think it started a year ago or something. At first I was a bit bored with it, not so much posting and many question that have been thoroughly discussed in here already. It has developed very quickly, though, I’ve even been to a small meetup. Still a small group, but nice people and some interesting discussion these days:

(The site it is on belongs to an aspiring german scientist, Daniel Erlacher, who tries to find out more about how get better at sports through LDing)

There is also mind-gate, sort of paranormal-forum, so LDing isn’t the main topic. I don’t read that one though, it’s a little bit too far out to me.


“can be any media”
Oh yes, of course we got the book from Tholey.
Also, one of most important german magazines “DER SPIEGEL” recently did a special on dreaming, featuring one interview with Daniel Erlacher (the guy who runs the site with the forum) about LDing and sports. I think in the same issue there was also an interview with Brigitte Holzinger, a psychologist from Austria who teaches people with serious nightmares how to overcome them by using LDing.

This seems to be a Danish site about LDing, forum included: klaredroemme.port5.com/

An Italian site about LDing with forum (though it doesn’t seem to load at the moment): arsenio.net/sognilucidi.it/community/forum/

Another Italian one: sognilucidi.net/ )

A German forum (seems quite big with 623 members): klartraum-forum.de.vu/

P.S. On another German site (uni-protokolle.de/Lexikon/Klartraum.html) I’ve found links to LD4all.com and the Wikibook. About LD4all they said:

(this means: English; one of the biggest forums on the Internet about the topic of LDs)

A more general forum about dreams, shamanism, spirituality and other stuff: nagual.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?Cat=

Damn you were ahead of me, tapir :smile:

Welcome back! Seems like you had a wonderful time in India! Did you live in that camp for a while? Or were you just passing? Haha we could learn a lot from them then if they’re always smiling and laughing :smile:

In France, it’s very poor ! :cry:
Here are the main ressources :

The reference LD Web site is :
though it has not evolved since 2001. She’s a very experienced LDer !

A very few pages about LD at the Sleep Laboratory of Lyons University :
sommeil.univ-lyon1.fr/articles/s … ucide.html

The great LD french forum (only 4 dreamers inside ! :happy: akahad, 2 other people and me ) :

About astral projection, most sites are commercial sites. A translation of the Robert Bruce’s Treatise On Astral Projection can be found sometimes, like there :

Welcome back T, thanks everyone for replying, looks like coverage is very poor. I really think well established LDing communties should be trying to create some resources for other parts of the world. Is the Wikibooks books LD thing translated?

Think of how many potential LDers there are in China, India etc

What is automatic translation like? (google altervista) I imagine it isn’t very good.

P.S. On another German site (uni-protokolle.de/Lexikon/Klartraum.html) I’ve found links to LD4all.com and the Wikibook. About LD4all they said:

members with the language skills should post on some of these forums saying maybe at the very least “all the English speaking LDers say hi and its a pity we can’t translate each others forums easily”

In Greece I am probably the only person that knows about Lucid Dreams…

Aaaaaargghhhh ! Don’t even try ! That’s awful ! :happy:
Some examples :

  • “a lucid dreaming diary” gives “un journal lucide rêveur”, what means : “a dreaming lucid diary” :smile:
  • “my last post” gives “mon dernier poteau”, which means “my last goalpost” :happy:
  • and with some bad luck, if you write “a dream dairy” instead of “a dream diary”, and you don’t know french, you cannot verify the funny result it gives ! :rofl:

It would be terrible not to be able to access information about LDing or find out others views and get help on forums. I realise I’m being very English about this and many Europeans have extreamly good language skills but for those that don’t :neutral:

Not great but a least very funny :grin: