What is the First Dream You Remember? Part III

The first dream that I remember was from my time in primary school. I am quite sure that I was in fourth grade or the end of third grade. I remember clearly waking up from it and consciously contemplating on dreams then for the first time in my life.

some time around 1999

Adventure Into The Dark

The dream mostly followed the plot of a story from a Disney comic book (a Donald Duck one). But there were no Disney characters in the dream. Instead it was me and my friends who went on a dangerous adventure together. The details about the first part are gone and in retrospect it may have been FM.

I still clearly the remember the end though. Most of our party had gone on with a part of our mission somewhere else. I was alone with M, one of my best childhood friends. It was night. We were standing in a wide uniform field of tall grass, maybe wheat or some similar crop. The stalks and ears were all gray, as was the general ambience.

On the horizon a black mountain front loomed over the area. The surface almost looked like abstract faces. We were discussing our situation which was very serious. When we concluded, M dashed through the field towards the sepulchral rocks because that’s where he had to go next. I was watching him leave, thinking about the state of affairs. I think I had to follow him.

This dream felt like we were a serious team battling the evil of the world or something. It may have born some resemblance to adventures we as a group of friends had experienced together in waking life, only more serious and awesome by magnitudes.

Another feeling I had after waking up plugged this dream deeply in my memory. I was sure that I had had this dream about 3 or 4 times already. It was probably a false memory but back then I didn’t know of such an effect of course. Instead, it just underlined the importance of the dream. Ever since it has been sort of the archetype dream for me. If I hadn’t had this dream and given it so much importance, I might not have delved into lucid dreaming after discovering it.

The earliest dream I can remember is that i was at home, i looked up the stairs and i saw a super big green eye staring at me, i woke up after that.

I think it was either me falling off of a helicopter or Polly Pocket falling off of a roof while trying to fix the tv satellite.