What is the most boring dream you've ever had?

ok just the same day eariler before I was sleeping I had spent all day long (literally) studying this history book and memorizing all the anwers to the test for my final.

That night I go to bed and all I dream about all night is studying that stupid history book. I’d wake up find out it was only a dream, go back to sleep, and it would start all over again.

maybe not boring but hella scarey. :eek:

how can a four second dream be boring :tongue:
/me wouldn’t have time to get bored…

but dreaming about still studying your history book after doing so in RL all day! I would have hated to have that dream :eek:

you know what Svavarg, i wish i could tell you. I don’t believe i’ve EVER had a boring dream. Mine are usually suspenseful or at least entertaining, amusing in some way or another.
i don’t really try to have boring dreams! lol!
Too bad about yours tho, chess is boring, blah!

My most boring dream was a few years ago. A tennis ball rolled off of my kitchen table and I woke up… :neutral:

Last night I had a dream that I was counting out an infinite pile of change on my desk and putting it into a very, very large jar. like the size of a five-gallon water cooler. This jar must’ve had over $100 in it.

In RL, I realized it was a dream. A little late for LD :sad:

My most boring dream was one where I was in chemistry class with one of my friends, and then suddenly realized I didn’t have to take it.

The most boring dream I’ve had, that I can remember, was when I was in a room full of encyclopedia books and I had to sort them all. Then, my brother came in and sorted them in another way so I started re-sorting them again lol. Every time I got them sorted and put on their normal places, every time, my brother would come in and mess everything up again!! >_<
Had a good laugh about it when I woke up though heehee.

Dream on. // Olesia

my most boring dream was aculaly connect to an actionish earlyer one. basicly I saved the town from aliens so I was awarded a trip to florida for my family… all I did was walk around! at one point in my hotel room I was on ld4all using a computer and then a ferret came out of my suitcase so I covered it with ducktape… even that was boring :eh: :eh: :eh: :eh: :eh: :eh: :eh:

I can’t think of a specific one. I have lots of dull dreams about waking up an hour late for work and buses not stopping for me. I find the closer they are to my real life, the more boring they are.

I get the Coding/Maths dreams too, but i HATE them, cause even when i wake up i can go back to sleep and ill go right back into them, making for a very restless sleep

Mostly happens when ever i studyied (and now code) just before sleep and was thinking hard on a problem.

Now i make sure i relax before sleep and/or solve the problem before sleep as well :happy:

Havent bothered me for a while

A few years ago, I was studying for a big Math final exam, I studied all that day. When I went to sleep all I dreamed about were math formulas. My head hurt really badly when I woke up.

A dream I had recently: I was at Hollywood Video, looking for a movie, and the lights got turned off.

I was a rock–couldn’t do much…seemed to last forever…:yawn:

i was a paraplegic. i couldnt do anything wahhhhh i woke up later. lameness

Do you mean quadripelegic? I’m sure if you had use of at least 2 limbs something could be done–but what do I know :tongue:.

How about a dream where you can’t talk, and all you do is play marbles, moving your mouth, but no words form…that was pretty boring. :neutral:

i was walking up a never ending spiral staircase and it was making me really dizzy but in the end i woke up and puked who knows :confused:

I had a dream where I was watching tv and charachters all stopped what they were doing and they started playing cards. and for like 5 minutes I just sat and watch them play cards.

I have had dreams I was chatting online, which is pretty lame since I can’t even particularly read the text messages in a dream.
That was the whole dream. Chatting online. About the same stuff I had been chatting online about before I went to bed.
I have had MUDding dreams like that too.

One time I fell asleep in Algebra class. I dreamt that I was in Algebra class, about to fall asleep.

I swear the teacher’s voice is so monotonous, that I even dreamt about it. I ended up falling asleep in the dream as well.

Given that I was in algebra class dreaming that I was in algebra class, that means that her voice put me to sleep twice as long as the actual length of the class.

My brain hurts…

So you don’t like watching The World Poker Tour then I guess? :tongue:

Seriously though… I have dead boring dreams all the time. Where I’ll just sit by a table, reading the newspaper and stuff like that… I can dream that I walk to the store and buy some bread and other boring things, and then walk back home again. At least I used to dream a lot of dreams like that last year. Not so much now though.

I’ll ofte use autosuggestion to dream cool stuff… Before I fall a sleep I can repeat to myself that I want to dream about beeing in outer space or what ever. It doesn’t take as much dedication as it takes to get lucid.