What is the most boring dream you've ever had?

I once had a dream were I was in a purgatory or something and it was just white all around but nothing changed, but the dream kept on going. so I just kinda sat there for awhile doing nothing!

My first LD was quite boring once I became lucid. All I could do was stare at an apple I’d made appear in my hand while the world became a swirl of gray around me. I knew I’d wake up if I tried to do anything else. :sad: Luckily, my next one was much better.

Last night, my dream consisted entirely of me playing Solitaire on the computer.

After waking up from that, I thought immediately of this thread, and similar ones ofn other web sites.

Fevers seem to induce extremely non-vivid, highly repetitive, highly annoying dreams. I had one where I was constantly looking at some wheel… it had four different colours, and four different animals on it. Another feverish dream was almost completely black, I think I was supposed to organize some kind of performance. repetition like crazy.

All i can say is that you shouldn’t try to LD when you have a fever.

I once had a long frustrating day of troubleshoting my pc to no avail… The dreams the following night was about doing the same in all damn dreams.
And then i had to continue this task the following day…

I have that all the time. :cry:

The most boring dreams are about the classes I have that are or the ones I had that I seriously disliked.

I once dreamt I was just sitting in the room that holds the sport practice; the teacher overseeing wasn’t there. Instead there was some boring sub and that’s all there was to that dream. :tongue: (This dream inspired me to do RCs every second of that class when I’m not practicing…and even when I am)

Every single time I’ve ever had a fever in my life and I’ve fallen asleep with something cool on my forehead, I have the same dream. In the dream I am some kind of servant with heavy shackles on my legs. I am forced to knead an enormous (I’m talking like 25 feet wide) pile of pizza doh with a single needle (all the time being whipped). It is torturous and painful, I hate fevers with a passion due to this reoccuring dream. It is extremely odd and annoying. :grrr:

That’s one of the worst dream scenarios I’ve ever read. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone LOL

I once had a whole series of small dreams that all consisted of me waking up, rolling over, and going back to sleep. Over. And over. For a long, long time.

Ever have one of those dreams that go on and on… And on? They’re so annoying aren’t they? Well they are quite common with me. For instance… It all started when I covertly snuck into Ronald Reagan’s house… After looking around at his oddly shaped furniture I teleported into a new location. This time I was in a green building with lots of furniture and computers everywhere. There was a girl who I talked with. I don’t remember what she said. After that I was off. To where? Why a Halo 3 beta party of course! After showing up I started playing. Pretty soon I was frustrated; Bungie had made the map totaly unbalanced by giving one side many vehicles and the other none. After complaining to Franky O’ Connor I was given a task; go to the store and get some Pepsi. Unfortunatly it was unseasonably hot outside so I started hallucinating… It was the future and the last of mankind was being hunted down by a race of giant robot lizard/chickens. (seriously.) After slaying a few I finaly reached the store and stopped hallucinating. I purchased a few bottles of pop and went on my way. Thankfully the return trip was cut short by another teleportation… I was in the desert with my nameless Clint Eastwood esque traveling companion. After walking for miles in the desert I once again, started to hallucinate… The place; heaven. The subject; Rick the tiger… After recieving a rather distressing email, Bob the lion discovered that Ricks real name was… Gasp, Rick. After learning this Bob and his buddies ganged up on poor Rick and ate him. Then I returned to (dream) reality. I had ended up at a school. After looking at the style of clothing these people were wearing I realized something; I had travelled back in time. After entering the school, I went straight to the principal. I demanded to know the year. “Why its 1964.” He said in a thick german accent. I was jsut about to ask a question about Vietnam when suddenly I woke up… I was glad. This dream… It felt like it took hours. Hours of tiresome walking in the hot sun. Ugh.

Sounds awesome lol.

Eagerly anticipating H3Beta?

Did you get Crackdown for it?
I did.

So you felt tired when you woke up? Maybe you have an overactive REMsystem.

I recall clearly one dream that was long and boring -_- It’s a very annoying. Luckly, at end of it I got lucid :tongue: Not really a big amount of thing was happening, it was just sitting in school O.o Lol, so boring, I was so happy when I know that I can get out of there :spinning:

Duck, you still go to school at age 1000? I would’ve thought you would’ve retired by then.

I’m not 1000 anymore, now I’m -15 :tongue: Never heard of time travelling ?

On a slightly related note, I’m annoyed because I can’t change my profile to say I was born in 2522. :grrr:

ahhh Duck you evil genius. ok, maybe it should be ahhh Duck you genius.

I’m sure I have boring dreams but I don’t remember any.

Yeah I have quite a lot of boring dreams, really, only the odd one (that I remember) is decent… but I love the dreams where you want to find out what happens, but wake up.

I have a habit for boring dreams (other than this morning’s which is kinda ironic). Usually I dream about school and friends (sometimes even the people in my dreams have overly boring voices).