What is the WILD wbtb-method???
I have no success with WILD at all.
only twice I succeeded, but that was long ago.
Sweet dreams,
What is the WILD wbtb-method???
I have no success with WILD at all.
only twice I succeeded, but that was long ago.
Sweet dreams,
See in the dictionary on top of the Quest for Lucidity category. There is a full explanation of the wbtb-method.
Since JustanotherAJ has been kind enough to tell u where u can find out what the WBTB method is…i will tell u what the WILD method is
This is a technique that u do to eventually enter a dream consciously. So before going to sleep if u use this method…u will enter a dream knowing that it is a dream. Of course u might not succeed the 1st time u try it…but if u practise this method u will eventually get results^_^. Here is what u do:
With any luck…u will enter a dream consciously thus having a LD(lucid dream)
Good Luck ^_~