What is your IQ?

ouch, lower average :shy:

Full analytical report for Chris

Please bookmark this page; it will be available online for two weeks. You may also print a copy of each section for your records.

General statistics

Total number of questions: 30
Questions answered: 30
Questions not answered: 0
Questions answered correctly: 15
Questions answered incorrectly: 15
Percentage correct answers: 50 %

Your age adjusted IQ score is 98 and the average score for all test takers is 100.

Your Grade ** Lower Average **

Your performance on the test was just below the population average which means that you have the ability to achieve success in life. Whatever you decide to do you have a good mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a wide variety of ways. You are able to think critically and communicate effectively and you also have the ability to handle academic challenges. If you think of intelligence as the ability to adapt easily to new situations then you are heading in the right direction.

i hate these things:P

mmh once my brother made an IQ test and it said 130 !!i think mine is about 112…and his maybe 115…but i dont know

Total number of questions:30
Questions answered:30
Questions not answered:0
Questions answered correctly:30
Questions answered incorrectly:0
Percentage correct answers:100%

That place gave me an IQ of 141, though I hardly think that’s fair because I got a 100% on the test :-P. I’ve been professionally tested as much higher. Does anyone put any merit in IQ anymore?

Here’s a test that I like a lot better:


That test was very cool Sean, got anymore like it?
I scored:

Tone Deaf Test: 88.9%
Adaptive Pitch Test: 1.35 Hz
Rhythm Test: 80%

Woot. Nice test. I scored pretty good at it. :grin:

The IQ test didn’t seem accurate for me. Standardized testing has repeatedly shown I have a strong verbal IQ and score lower for spatial and mathematics, but on this test I scored high on mathematics and spatial, low on verbal. My score on this was 115 while normally I score just above or below 130 with a difference of about 20 points or so between my verbal and performance IQ’s.

Tone Deaf Test: 72.2 %
Adaptive Pitch: 1.65 Hz
Rhythm: 84%

Well, that test seemed pretty accurate based on previous IQ tests i have taken, but i have only done the online ones…
I think thats a great score personally, especially as im only 16 :hurray:

Full analytical report for Phil

Please bookmark this page; it will be available online for two weeks. You may also print a copy of each section for your records.

General statistics

Total number of questions: 30
Questions answered: 30
Questions not answered: 0
Questions answered correctly: 22
Questions answered incorrectly: 8
Percentage correct answers: 73 %

Your age adjusted IQ score is 120 and the average score for all test takers is 100.

Your Grade ** Above Average **

Well done! Your performance on the test was well above the population average which means that you have the ability to achieve success in life. Typically, people with scores in this range can see logic in their surroundings and perform very well academically. You like to conceptualize ideas and gather your own information which means that you have the brains to go far. You should be able to handle all academic challenges and if you think of intelligence as an ability to adapt adequately to new situations then you are heading in the right direction.

[color=blue]Strengths and weaknesses

Your highest score was in Pattern Recognition

Exceptional intelligence does not guarantee results – to achieve excellence you must fully understand your strengths and learn to maximize your efforts. Knowing your greatest intellectual strength may give you insight into how you can improve your learning process, work better with others, or become more self aware of your abilities. According to this test your pattern recognition skills are the most developed of all your intellectual capabilities - your capability to match and anticipate patterns is your biggest strength.

Your lowest score was in Verbal

Weaknesses are the roadblocks we face when trying to achieve our goals. Awareness of your weaknesses allows you to predict problems and find solutions ahead of time, thereby alleviating future headaches. According to this test your verbal skills are the most underdeveloped of all your intellectual capabilities - your capability to use language effectively and to communicate well is your biggest weakness.[/color]

My strengths and weaknesses are a bit odd, to be honest i hate pattern work in school and im surprised my weakest area wasn’t Maths, i absolutly HATE the subject even though im in the highest set at school, i swear im the bottom of the class…

I also think that because someone has a low/high IQ it shouldn’t make them a different person in the view of others or themselves, it doesn’t really mean anything…


I started doing the test but closed the window right at the question about Incas.

A correctly made IQ test requires no factual knowledge. I have done a few such tests and tend to end up around 120 with the standard weighting.


81 but that’s because I skipped many questions that involved Einstein-ish logic. X3

If there’s anything I learned from Forrest Gump, it’s that IQ has nothing to do with the overall quality of a human being. :grin: :tongue:

I’ve never been trusting of how accurate most online IQ tests are, but I guess I can just take this just for the hell of it. The last few times I took online tests my scores were somewhere in the neighborhood of 130 or 140—flattering, but I don’t know for sure what my IQ is.

I didn’t finish before the deadline: That’s the story of my life. :content:

I didn’t take this test but I have done a IQ-test IRL which probably is a bit more reliable than this one. My IQ was 136 when they tested it but I find myself being wiser and smarter than when they took the test. Just enough to be considered gifted :grin: .

They took the test because a teacher of mine already suspected that I was gifted. I’ve had an intelligence test before that happened that allowed me to pass a class. So I knew I was somewhat more intelligent than average before anyways.

I got 27 out of the 30 right, and the result showed an IQ of 132… it seems odd that someone around my age who answered 22 correct scored 120. And like grapetonix said, there should not be any questions based on factual knowledge.

By the way… for those of you who already did this, is it just me or is the answer to the triangle question wrong?

Wow, i think somethigs wrong here :eh: So everybody’s above average? I find that hard to believe since the average score is 100. :yawn:

I ran out of time and i wasn’t even half way through?

I don’t know about this test, but I took an official one given to college students over a period of two weeks at school last year. I was in 11th grade, 17 and a senior this year, my I.Q. at the end of the test was 161. It was a long test, it took four days in all to complete, we took it on Tuesday and Thursday of each week. So that may make it invalid, I don’t know. But I really don’t think this test could truly judge your I.Q., compared to the one I took.

General statistics

Total number of questions: 30
Questions answered: 30
Questions not answered: 0
Questions answered correctly: 27
Questions answered incorrectly: 3
Percentage correct answers: 90 %

Your age adjusted IQ score is 132 and the average score for all test takers is 100.

Your Grade ** Gifted **

Anyone with a general IQ this high is considered to be gifted. You have the ability to think critically, conceptualize ideas and form your own conclusions. Your ability to think in patterns and to produce order out of chaos enables you to handle complexities and see logic in everything. Needless to say you are self-aware of your abilities and have the brains for all known occupations. If you think of intelligence as the ability to adapt easily to new situations then you are at the top of the charts

The SAT and other standardized tests are hours long and they are only passabe estimations. 30 questions is hardly enough to judge intelligence.
Also, some categories say “75%” when I had the right answer. I am wondering if the speed at which we answer contributes to the score. Very strange IQ test.