Lately, i have talked to ppl who experience SP, the scary version where somebody strange comes into your room and you want to scream but cannot move.
I wonder what your way is to handle SP, whether it is the scary version or the ’ hey I cannot move, that’s weird!’ version.
My way out of it, i experience it rarely, is to focus on the Light, on my angel, on everything good and telepatically send: " Go away, you are not welcome" to the stranger. This helps to ease the fear, and sometimes i wake up, which is good, and other times the person goes away.
another way i have handled it, but this was the not scary kind, was to initiate spinning to get an OBE. this worked quite well.
As the least successful LD’er on the forum. I haven’t even experienced SP. Good or bad kinds of it. I’m more interested in how your getting your SP. Waking up in it or inducing it.
Usually I’m SPed upon becoming lucid. I just sort of flow out of it. Hard to explain. Just relax and float yourself up. Sort of like a chinese fingertrap. Ease it out… once I accidentally forced myself out of my dream body, then I made my AP dream self become solid again. All of this was done in non-vivid-low-level lucid dreams, so I don’t know if they work…
Crap. For some reason whenever I hear “SP” I think of paralysis in dreams. Er, I’ve never been SPed in RL but I’d bet the same ease out thing would work. Wiggle a bit from side to side until you get it. Has anyone ever tried to jerk out of it? I’d think that would work… brute force
Whenever I have SP (about once a month now), I always try to enjoy it and to prolong the experience, instead of ending it abruptly. Some of my SPs were more exciting than LDs, so why fear them?? It’s just so amazing to see these vivid hallucinations emerge in your waking reality at that moment. It can be frightening yes, but that’s only in your head. The fear may be real, but the danger is not.
If you DO want to end it however, I suggest you close your eyes and let yourself go to sleep again, as DM7 already mentioned.
If you want to avoid SP entirely, then don’t fall asleep while lying on your back. This decreases the chance of having SP in the morning.
The best way to get out of it, is to focus on moving just one part of your body, like your hand/arm. When you are successfull of that, you move rest of your body, feels heavy at first though but usually get out of it pretty fast.
Easiest way is to open your physical eyes in a lucid dream.
Another way that works for me, is to lay completly still"not moving a muscle" after you have woken up from a dream, then sp usually follows pretty quickly
But are you aware of your situation at that moment?? I’m always fully lucid during SP, so it’s like confronting a nightmare during a LD: there’s nothing to fear for, and if you realize this, the fear will vanish automatically. But if you aren’t lucid… I can imagine the immense fear you must feel…
I’ve tried that to get to the dream world recently, sometimes it works when the vibrations are at the right intensity and frequency. Pull your upper self to standing up position, trusting SP will hold your physical self in place. It’s a hard fight which may spoil mental balance, but it has worked.
SP can feel like you’re trapped under piles of dirt when you’re not used to it, but it’s a great state to use and experiment in.
Yes usually that is the case… Though i do know that this is not real, just a part of my imagination, this fear and even this overwealming feeling of presence will just not go away usually. It is like the fear is planted in my mind, without any reason at all… I still sometimes press myself to go through it even though of the intense fear, which often pays off in a good lucid dream
For years now i have only fun sp’s not fearfull ones…i had them when i was 13 to 17 then never again.
I closed my inner eyes and then woke up or fell a sleep like dm7.
These days i use hypnosis in a sp to have a great trance or to have a great ld!
thanks for your answers, i’m going to give those tips to the ppl i talked about earlier. They have never LD-d so now i have some kind of first aid tips to tell them.
SP is the state that exists between sleep and waking. It happens as the body is trying to wake up, while the mind usually already is. During the waking process, the body has to come back online. Perhaps the reason we often experience fear with SP is because evolution has programmed fear to be the first thing that is activated when awaking, the “fight-or-flight instinct.” Could it be that during the in-between-state of SP, fear is one of the few programs that is “loaded”? We simply have to learn how to reprogram our instincts.
Hmm… I guess so Jeff, it just seems like everyone’s first case of SP is scary, that’s why i thought maybe it’s programmed. I wonder, is there anyone out there who has never experienced fear during their first SP?
Me. I was surprised but not afraid. It was fully daylight when I had most of my SP. The things that happened, except for paralysis: melting walls (awesome), moving shadows, bright light near the wall which then changed into my own dead body which later turned out to be my shorts, morphing body parts, and some minor effects. Perhaps there was no fear because I haven’t experienced the real creepy Old Hag SP yet…
My first SP wasn’t scary either. In fact, I was more confused in this SP because I didn’t know what it was. I was too busy trying to figure out why I couldn’t move… there, I always ended up having OBE’s. I even saw my mom coming in and I tried to tell her that I couldn’t wake up and to hold on. I didn’t know what SP or OBE were by then.
Then eventually my SP’s became a bit bad too, but I wasn’t afraid. Then, for a long time, my SP always have been good until recently, but what I have learned is that I induce bad SP sometimes because I am too curious to see what it is like… now they’re occuring without me inducing them. At least I really know that it’s just mental fear and I can overcome that easily. For… real like ghosts, etc… I still have problem with that. Oh well.
Yes, I use SP for trance/hypnosis like Jeff sometimes. Or use it to enter my dream world… the freedom. lol!