What kind of dreamsign is that?

Hey there,

I’ve heard that you can divide dreamsigns in two categories - Abstract and “realistic” dreamsigns.
So, I’ve got some abstract dreamsigns, like giant beetles attacking me and I also got realistic dreamsigns but when I was reading through my DJ yesterday I realized that I really often, actually every night in at least one dream I have the feeling of stress… People telling me to hurry up, my dad telling me to have my friends leave when I dont want to and everytime its this feeling of… haste (Is that the proper word?). I dont really know whether I should “treat” this dreamsign as an abstract one or a realistic one… I dont really get stressed easily in RL, actually almost never… But still its not something I could say is abstract because of course, sometimes there are people telling me to hurry up or something.

Have you got a similar dreamsign? How should I “treat” it?

Thanks already :smile:


I’ve never heard of these two classifications before. Am I correct in assuming that abstract DS are something that never/couldn’t occur in RL and realistic DS are ones that could happen but don’t really ever happen to you?

Secondly, what is the significance of classifying the dreamsigns, do you treat trying to recognize the two types differently? Essentially what I’m getting at is why does it matter if a DS is abstract or realistic?

I think you should treat it as a realistic dream sign because it’s something that can happen in real life.

But a better classification system would be “impossible”,“unlikely”, and “normal” dream signs, though. Then it would be an unlikely dream sign.


“Normal”, “Unlikely” and “Impossible” would be a good classification as well. WEll, it is realistic, but it rarely happens to me, so how am I meant to make doing a RC when I’M stressed a reflex?


I heard about those Classifications in ReeceJones87’s Channel on Youtube. He says with a realistic dreamsign you can make it routine that everytime it happens to you in RealLife (Realistic dreamsigns are things that happen to you in RL alot, for instance seeing your girlfriend/boyfriend) you do an RC.



just do a reality check when your stressed…it can’t hurt.

Personally ,I like taking the idea of reality checks further, to the point where you are doing them consistently throughout the day. The point of RCing this often is that you make it a habit to question reality, which eventually carries over into dreams. I believe that this is an aspect of what is called lucid living here on the forums.