What makes your LD environment so special?

What have you got around your room to make it special to you?

  1. Wallpaper?
  2. Floor?
  3. Roof, maybe decorated with glow in the dark words to remind you to RC?
  4. Bed sheets?

Anything that you have purposely changed about your room to make it more accustomed to LD. :content:

Um have dark blinds and all the little green and red lights from electronics in my room are covered up… But that’s about it haha

haha I need to do that because those stupid little tiny lights frustrate me soo much! xD

I know I’ll close my eyes sometimes and think I can stil see them when in fact I cannot haha it drives me mad.

Same thing here. Those tiny lights can IRRITATE ME SO BAD! :smile:

I’ve been keeping my eye out for an antique intricate mirror to use for teleporting in my dreams, was hoping to add a nice piece of furniture that has a real world tie to my room.

Right now I use my regular bathroom mirror for teleporting when I find myself inside my home, its cool to remember dreams while your looking at it and think about the last time you teleported through it =]


sorry I kinda messed up the quote :tongue: