What, no big Iraqi blow-up on June 30th?

Well on June 30th, they handed over Saddam to the Iraqis and hauled him up in front of some Iraqi court. The Iraqi Interim Gov’t representatives described him as “nervous.” Yeah, I would be too. But whatever happened to Al Qaeda’s big plans for terror strikes on the 30th?

From everything I have heard for the past several months, all of the terrorists in Iraq were conspiring to have some huge, devastating attacks coordinated for the day of the hand-off to the Iraqi Interim government. Well, Bush had the hand-off done two days early (with thwarting the terrorists’ plans as one of the justifications), and it’s the 30th now, still with no big Al Qaeda plot.

What do you suppose happened, did the terrorists never plan to attack on the 30th like everyone thought they would, or did the early hand-off just confuse them? :peek:

Who knows but, I am not ready to breath a sigh of relief yet. Lets hope for the best and keep our fingers crossed.

i’d just like to point out that its still june 30th where you are you really shouldn’t tempt fate :tongue:

I’d just like to say that some of you americans really get on my nerves. Al-Queda(spelling) and Saddam are actually enemies, just because they are arabic doesn’t mean that they are all friends conspiring together.

Most people (including Americans) understand that so, I am not really sure what you point is.

yeah i’m confused by what he said as well…

but at any rate… it’s best for them to get us on a false sense of confidence then strike shortly thereafter… such as July 2nd…

or July 6th, after we let our guards down since the holiday is over.

Yeah, hopefully things will gradually get better over there. It’d definitely be a load off of everyones minds.

Iraq has become a magnet for all kinds of terrorists; there are plenty of AQ in there. AQ and Saddam loyalists are not enemies, they have a common goal and are both attacking Iraqi and Coalition targets–not each other!

i’m going to say this for the sake of saying it.

It the world we currently live there is always going to be the threat of attack on one country from another, there is always going to be a threat of terrorrist action on some country.

Doesn’t matter what country, doesn’t matter who the attack will be from. Simple fact is it’s going to happen sooner or later. We are still very young as a species even though most seem to think we are not. The more we grow the less religiously/politically fueld conflicts there will be.

No media hype of terrorism here. Question your media and agenda behind the way it feeds you its information. CNN and such are biased. Seems like most of the US media agencies are pushing lots of fear in their citizens, wonder why? When people are scared for their own security they can easily start to give up their rights to the sinister means for making world a ‘safer’ place. Patriot Act and other freedom restricting laws that are shifting US towards totalitarian state are good examples of how easily under fear people are willing to compromise and give their own freedom and rights just so that the boogie mans shown in TV daily wont come. (yeah ive been listening APC lately :grin: )

Media is the weapon of mass hypnosis, instead of Iraq US should disarm its own warmongering fear inducing propaganda machinery first. But that doesnt profit the world’s largest military industry and largest oil consumer does it?

First time i heard about that 30th day of horror. So was it for real? Or just a psyop? And just for the record, if id want to bring out the patriot out of americans, id attack on the independece day, and of course the right wing neo-conservativists would be the winners then…


i often times wonder how devoted the AQ leaders are.

would they nuke us if they could?

They are smart enough to know we’d have no choice but to either
a) normal bomb the hell out of random countries, over a few days equalling or surpassing the death toll of a nuclear weapon.
b) fight fire with fire.

they don’t want the world to end (though the things you hear about christian whackos that support Bush and want him to bring about the second coming of Jesus terrify me) they just want to be left alone, and they want us to be less corrupt, and, more islamic…

they mainly just want to be left alone.

so I mean, do they have nukes? How couldn’t they, they’re filthy rich, or at least, were… they said a few months ago that they possess suitcase nukes.

If so… would they use them…

I know that the second they is referring to the terrorists but I have a feeling the first they refers to our government.

I didn’t know suitcase-sized nukes had been developed yet. If they’re telling the truth it must be some kind of dirty-bomb with that just emits radiation, not explosion.

About suitcase nukes:

bellona.no/en/international/ … /8830.html
Quote from this link:
–The Russian military has lost track of more than 100 suitcase-sized one-kiloton nuclear bombs, said former Russian national security advisor Aleksandr Lebed in an interview with CBS News’ 60 Minutes in the beginning of September.



``Can you imagine what would happen psychologically, morally, if this
weapon is detonated in a big city? … About 50-70,000 people, up to
100,000 people would be killed.’’

Many years ago when USSR ceased to be and turned into Russia there was talk about this issue in media, about how few of these suitcase bombs had disappeared. So its nothing new that there might be some ‘out of control’ group handling these, be it Al Qaeda or CIA.

The media warned of terror attacks on July 4th as well, but it has come and gone without any attacks.

Perhaps they’re all saving up for the Democrats’ convention?

i think they’d bomb the republican convention, if I were a terrorist I’d favor Kerry over Bush, though Kerry is not much better at all than Bush.

and I do, loosely, favor Kerry over Bush, though I can assure you, FBI, that I am not a terrorist.

and all "they"s in that sentence were about al qaida, they (al qaida) said they had suitcase nukes, and it was reported on various media sites.

When I wrote my post, I was being a little facetious since I couldn’t think of any major holidays between now and September, but when I turned on Fox news, sure enough they had analysts all warning of attacks against the conventions.

I agree, terrorists would probably not want to attack the Democrats’ convention. Not because they like or respect Kerry, but because Bush is their archenemy and they would give anything to see him get kicked out of the White House.

I think if anything happens it will be at a time when we do not expect it. They always put out alerts when important dates or events come up. Of course security is increased at that time. It is when our guard is down that we have to worry. What worries me the most is that we have done nothing to prepare for another strike. All this money went into homeland security and what did we get for it. Color coded alerts and put plastic/ducttape on your windows and doors.

well I mean they are loosely training people… it’s not easy to do to go from incompetent to invincible (hah) in 3 years.

I’m sure the governemnt knows more than they would ever tell us though, assuming there is even a small threat of REAL terrorism, and it isn’t just scare tactics and evilness on our countries part.

Because I mean they could have theoreticaly stopped 9/11, t hey knew the hijackers were training.

I don’t know, I’d kind of think of it as this.

If I went out and _______ ed up a ___________ they probably wouldn’t stop it or see it coming (i’m sure i’m in a database somewhere but I doubt
I’m deemed a threat to national security or anyone has even read anything by me)

but if ANYONE related to AQ is planning something, chances are, they are being watched, because, they know the figureheads, they know the recruiters, they watch who are coming in and out of the country, they have a fairly good amount of intelligence to help prevent large scale attacks from terrorist groups.

It’s the spontaneous acts of domestic terror that would leave them screwed… though, they did, by luck, stop some Texans from using some B … words… they say there are a few on the large still, so who knows, we may see some domestic terror one day.

but if an AQ attack comes we’ll probably know about it in advance, but they wont’ tell us about it.


then there was that woman who crashed her car into a Bush rally because she was mad they wouldn’t let her in and she wanted to see Bush…

How many times has ol’ Dub-ya issued a terrorist warning, and of those, how many have actually happened? In case you haven’t noticed the (american) government wants its people frightened, so that it can have free run of the country, (patriot act anyone?) It is to his advantage to keep people in a state of panic.

 Has anyone seen Farenheight 9/11?  Yes, it is biased, but it does present facts:  The (entire) oregon border is often patrolled by 1 officer.  were there a terrorist threat, they could EASILY carry it out;  one boat with one bomb in new york, or any large port city for that matter could create devistation.  

has it happened? no
could it happen? yes
will it happen? most likely not

I know I’ve been rambling, but to sum it all up: Take these ‘terrorist threats’ with a grain of salt.