What real life locations appear in your dreams frequently?

lol I always seem to be in my friend’s house watching a movie when I pop up in a futuristic mall or SWAT members barge in with heavy weaponry asking where the Reclaimer is. :tongue: Once I leave his living room where I go from there is really random.

I often dream of a place where I camp with my family every summer. It has a lake and many good memories. :smile: For some reason I often dream of storms on that lake. (But not often enough for regular DS).

Sometimes I dream of being back at University. But its not very realistic.

Sometimes I dream of a town associated with my extended family. The location is not realistic, it seems to have symbolic importance.

Out of hundreds of dreams I’ve recalled, only 2 are set in my current home!

I often dream of restaurants and malls, but they are always made up locations.

Hmm. I find myself dreaming about work a lot lately.
Otherwise my locations are all really random.

Some of the schools I’ve been on, my village and the town after it. A dark forest in my village (those forest dreams are so epic, I love them) and the church before the forest. My garden. The best thing is when everything merges together to create a dream world that is made up of real life locations.

I dream about being inside my school and old schools I have been to. My bedroom I FA into a lot and always walking outside of my room is the warped version of the rest of my house. I can fly, so the sky is sort of a IRL location and I also dream about New York City strangely enough (I don’t live there).

I usually dream with my old school, with my old apartment, with college and my house. Those show on about 80% of my dreams

Besides my usual lucid dream land, I’m usually at my grandparents house on the Greek side of my family, the IGA near our house (and the area around it usually gets wierd, and my backyard and neighborhood I used to get a lot of when I was young.
Oh yeah, I used to get school a lot too. Sometimes it fuses with my grandparent’s house.

I very often dream about my neighbourhood. Since I spend som such time here. home, friends house, the store. Also across the lake. On rare occasions my old school in town.
And when i have lucid dreams they are usually really close to my house. And I generally don’t have much time to get anywhere else. It’s annoying. Even when got to some other place it changed into my house again. It gets repetetive. But I plan to, as I found out I can do easily, go through the mirror more. It has the two times I’ve tried gotten me to strange places.

Mostly school. Arcades appear in my dreams a lot too (strange, as I’m not a gambler/public video game player). Even though most locations in my dream are the same as where I live, DC’s tend to tell me I’m either in Brazil or America.

Mostly usual places apear in my dreams.my home,and neighbourhood.Well, only parts of them,and are the same like IRL.I found out there are some parts that i just cannot find in my LD s or loosing lucidity flying towards those parts.in ND allso ,when dreaming usual places,some parts just go wierd and leading to the infinite.like pyramids or passages leading to nothing connected to my hood or home.
Then ,sometimes i dream being in some random places that are not connected at all with locations from IRL,like forest,sea,or some surrealistic ,apstract locations and situations.