I would like to comment about the negative topics…
I’m firmly against telling newbies about negative experiences, or having them read negative experiences in the first place.
Keep in mind that the very nature of dreaming is (theoretically) entirely refined to YOUR MIND…
It’s just like if you watch tons of horror movies, you might not necessarily have horrible nightmares, but you are going to dream about those types of scenarios, zmobies, etc… a lot more.
If someone comes here who is really really uncertain about LDing, and say they read a thread where a bunch of people are saying “OMG… you guys need to be careful, LDing can be dangerous, there are energy vampires ou there just waiting for people to stray from their normal dream environments…”
and a lot of people are talking about that… what do you think is going to happen IF the poor guy manages to have an LD in the first place? It’s not going to be a fun one… he’s not going to be like a carefree child, innocently exploring… he’s going to be thinking “okay i need to do this this and this to keep myself safe…oh no what if so and so happens” and that makes for a bad dream…
Much like bad thoughts tend to lead to be trips…
So… there isn’t much of a problem with that kind of demon talk on here… but… I can say from experience that reading those kinds of stories does mess with you, and create a negative environment for your dreams and OBEs… when I started OBEing I got caught up in all the spirit/demon/neg talks… and it really dramatically affected me…
Whereas if everyone said “no way, that’s all superstitious nonsense” i wouldn’t have had nearly as much of a problem.
Debating whether they do exist is pointless and doesn’t go anywhere, but we all know that if you dwell upon something and are exposed to tons of stories about it, it’s going to be more likely to happen to you. We know the placebo effect works, especially for dreams and OBE’s and whatnot.
so I would first of all, point out to the new person, that they are going to read milions of different opinions and thoughts about LDs, but when it gets down to it, everyone’s experiences are different, everything everyone says is OPINION… we don’t even know that there is an unconscious mind… it’s a THEORY… it can be helpful to read such things from experienced LDers, but they are still just stating their own subjective experiences… and just because something is “true” to them , or that something works for them, doesn’t make it the case for you.
Like… some of us think flying is easy, some think it’s hard… but it is in fact neither… it can be anything inbetween and it seems to soley depend upon the person… which is the “ultimate truth” of LDing if I’ve ever seen one.
So basically I wouldn’t tell them to run and hide from negative posts, but that to keep in mind that nothing is universally true or stable in dreams, and that what happens to you ultimately depends upon what’s in your head, what you think, what you expectations and beliefs are… and that is largely, if not wholly, subjective.
One thing I really would never tell them though is things about spirits and demons, especially if they are religious or superstitious.
The problem is there are some people that so adamantly believe that these negs exist, that they will warn anyone because they think they are saving them from some sort of horrible evil.
But I don’t know… it’s kind of like the archetypes… if thousands of people believe in demons and have for ages… sure, you are probably gonna dream about them too… especially if you regularly talk to those people, but that doesn’t make them real…
The ultimate message to them is it’s all in your head, you might find it very easy, you might find it very hard… but if you dedicate yourself to it you shouldn’t have terrible problems in achieving it.
and I think that would instill a proper placebo effect in them providing they truly are serious about taking it up.
oh and I don’t necessarily think it’s 100% confined to the insides of your mind… I think paranormal things and telepathy and the likes might be possible, based upon my own experiences…
but that’s not somthing they should even be thinking about until they are able to LD at will and get lots of proper exploring and experimenting in… IMO.
stay away from the more abstract parnormal theories and ideas until you’re not a beginner… it’s just too much to fill your mind with…