What tha hell is going on?!

So you used to remember your dream perfectly (most of you anyways) when you were a child and some of you do now.
But, I have had this problem for a few years now.
In my dreams I never do anything cool anymore.
If I am about to do somthing cool I just dont for some reson, and I always seem to be in a totally different place then I was before every 5 seconds or so, but As I am dreaming I dont notice it till I wake up.

Is this actually happening in my dream, or is it just me thinking that happend when I woke up?

And if it is happening , Why?
I hardly care about dreams anymore because they do that everytime, meaning I cant explore or anything :sad:

Well many of us get similar dreams sometimes…impossibile to describe,full of changing time,scenery all the weird things so you end up having no idea what to write in your dream diary.

I think only way to overcome this is putting more effort in recalling them.Writing whatever you remember in your diary even if it looks like:dog,bus,swamp,naked…so on.Try to also notice what feelings u have right after waking up…put them down too.
Vit b6 is great recall aid too.

If im right,your dreams will become more “full” in time,you will be able to notice common pattern easier.Just give it a time and effort:)

Cheers Jack