Hi LD4all. Registered a bunch of months ago, wrote a couple of threads, tried hard to LD - and actually had one only a couple of weeks after i started practising it. Then, loads of schoolwork took over, and eventually lucid dreaming dissappeared out of my life.
Now, I have no school to go to, only a part-time job which gives me plenty of time to take up this interesting “hobby” again. And I decided that I’m not going to follow any specific method, I’m gonna do what I did when I got my first LD. And tonight I did. This is what happened:
I went to sleep around 1pm, set my Sleep Cycle alarm (great app for LDing, google it) for around 4h30 later. And I woke up. I went for some water, read a couple of threads in this forum (for 10 minutes or something) to get the right mindset. Then I went to sleep. Only to get that “holy shit”-feeling you get when you all of a sudden remember a very vivid dream. I remembered every second, it was so clear, (and so weird…) so I sat up again, wrote in my dream journal for another 10 minutes. Then, again, I went to sleep. This time I did the exact thing I did when I had my first LD.
I just count to three, then I say : “i am dreaming” in my head. Then repeat. I did it for what felt like 5 minutes. I saw no HI, I felt nothing. But I got the strangest feeling after a while; I could feel, and move my hands, even though I knew that they did’nt move in real life. I had no clue what was going on, it was so weird. After I while I realised I was wearing a police uniform. And the second I took a look at my uniform, I realised that this is just in my head. And bam, everything went black. I knew that what I was seeing right now was the inside of my eyelids. I was awake, and it felt like I had been awake the whole time.
After a minute or so, i got the feeling again. I could “move” my hands even though they were laying close to my body. And when I started thinking (again) how this could be, the feeling dissapeared.
Why I am making this thread is mainly because of two things; one, is this to be considered HI ? As i said, everything were just, black, until the uniform popped up. It was just a feeling, I could’nt see a thing, I just moved my hands and stretched my fingers.
…and two, what the hell am I supposed to do? Hopefully this is something some of you more experienced guys have experienced. I don’t know what to do, it feels a bit like I am close to a LD, but every time I started thinking about what was happening, the feeling dissapeared and everything were just black again. Everything felt so unreal, It felt like I was awake during the whole time.
Hopefully someone can help me a bit with this. Atleast im feeling very motivated again, getting some (yeah…) progress at all.
Thanks in advance,
Your doctor in control
(pardon the english, I am, as I’ve said before, from Sweden. We are weird.)