What was that? (Question about SP)


Some days before when I was going to sleep in my bed, decided to try to get in SP to see how that feels. I was lying on my back and did this relax technique with tensing and then relaxing your muscles again. Then I closed my eyes and waited. I saw some (flashing) spots, nothing special just those you see when you are awake and close your eyes. Then I had a problem, because my eyes always opened a bit, again and again. When I tried to close them again - the muscles of my lids started to vibrate strangely and I had twitches in the area of my eyes o.O
This is why I have tried to get in SP with opened eyes but under my cover before, but it wasn’t so good because I didn’t get enough oxygen and it was getting too hot ^^
Okay, after that my favourite feeling yet came: I feeled how everything got darker and a deep blackness spreaded around my head/eyes… It was a bit like I wouldn’t see with my normal eyes anymore. After that I usually get a bit excited and then I can’t get further anymore =(
But when I make it further, the blackness becomes bigger and deeper, I can’t describe it really at all. It maybe feels like I’m in the center of my head, like I read somewhere here on Ld4all.
The whole time I did this, my legs and arms start to tickle and feel a bit numb, but when I really want to move them I can do it easily - so no real sign of SP…

So can you help me? How far did I come, what was this “deep blackness”, what comes when I get further and how do I come further?


Best regards,

What comes further is different for everyone. I for an exemple have too those eye twitches when I trie to WILD or HILD, but no dark feeling.

But how in the world can you give yourself an SP, if I may ask? :eh:

I always experience this deep blackness spreading around my eyes whenever I WILD, same with the eye muscle twitches.
The deep blackness is simply nothing special but it kind of gives you the impression of sinking, or atleast that’s what it could do. You simply need to take advantage of it, pretend that this blackness occurs because you’re sinking, that’s what I usually does, and it takes me to a deeper state.

So those eye twiches are “normal”?

Ya they are I get those twitches during the day being awake sometimes. But I haven’t had them personally trying to do WILD or MILD.

Yes, but sometimes they are very annoying when WILDing…

I know. :content: :tongue: But I have not got this dark feeling, but I feel like flying! :happy:

Anyway, still, how in the world can you give yourself SP?

Those eye twitches are simply like when your eyes are still for a while your muscles gets a bit numb (even your eye muscles), so when you make the least move with your eyes they will “twitch” a bit. This happens mostly when your eyes “slide” up a bit, you know, like you open them by accident.

When you lie and relax, your body will simply sleep in after a time - or what do you mean with that?

Well, normally you get SP when you wake up in the middle of the night… :grin: :eh:

Yup, like waking up directly from a lucid dream.

Hm, then I misunderstanded something.

I meaned this numb feeling that comes after a while…

Yeah, but that’s not SP.

O… Maybe you mean WILD feelings?

Yes, I think that is what comes closest to it. I actually tried to WILD when I had this experience so… ^^

SP can often happen in an FA. i have had it happen before but i dont know if it was SP or not

That´s not SP then, but you dream that it´s SP. It´s like FSP - False Sleep Paralysis. :happy:

a fake paralysis.but its not the same as the SP right?

The same exact thing happened to me last night… Down to ever last detail. I read the technique on one of the posts and tried it, i was so scared though… after it all happend.