so i remember as a kid having lucid dreams. i used to control them and do things. i remember it so vividly. Around age 9 or 10 i think. I remember dreaming being in my school and doing whatver I wanted.
Later about a year ago I came across the term lucid dreaming, and remembered as a kid.
So I set out on a journey to try to bring it back.
I came across this site a while ago when I had an episode of sleep paralysis. It scared the hell out of me so i researched it and came across here.
Not until tonight did I decide I would actual try for lucidity.
So I went to sleep, turned off ALL lights, put on my ipod to some night music by this band that makes really ambient stuff called Elephant. My fan was on and heres what happened:
laying face up ipod on
swirling vision
eyes felt like they were blinking a lot
kind of wanted to cover them like the sun was blinding
i felt dreamy
and eventually my body went numb
i stopped breathing through my mouth
i forgot i was even breathing
then i realized i was through my nose
i thought about the crossroads in my head
and saw it almost in my eyelids
swirls started to go around in my eyes, like i was being transported somewhere
but i was like…still awake
i could still hear my ipod and the fan in my room
but i was really dreamy
i saw a spaceship IN my eye lids come close, and go past my eyes
but i dont know if i imagined it myself, or it was a dream
i got on some weird hoverspace craft thing to, with some guy
and we flew to the crossroads
but all this felt weird
i wasnt actually IN the space craft, i was watching
like a dream
but i was still consious of the music in my ears
i couldnt tell at times if i was making myself think this stuff, or it was happening like a dream
i finally “got up” and did a few reality checks and here i am, i think
i got back on the computer and i felt kind of hungy and exhausted
like i didnt care
earliar i was being careful that i didnt wake my mom up
now i dont really care, and im hungry too
any tips? ideas on what it was?
maybe just me thinking too much