What would you do if you were the last person on earth?

Become a better Clarinetist. Learn more instruments. And since I’m a virgin, I may or may not try being a necrophiliac for a day…-_- But that depends on how long I live :meh:

:eh: :confused: :eek: Uhhh… Ok? That’s a little creepy + i don’t think it even counts haha

That’s my weird sense of humor :wink:

Well, I think everyone would eventually resort to that. Or anim… oh god this is going downhill pretty fast.

Thats a good question. Alone in the whole planet. I would probably be wandering around for a long time, i could journey all over europe and asia and eventually settle down and …dunno. Either I would go crazy and kill myself or find something to occupy myself with and live out the rest of my life. And yes i would rape animals:(

Provided the world is still functioning, only without people (That is, the internet is up with all sites, elcetricity, water, and such are working…)
I would interact with people in LDs, Just to keep me sane.
I would light any TV I’ll see, just to feel that there are people around me.
I will cry for days and nights.
I would take a cellphone, and write the number anywhere I’ll go - someone might call!
I will be sure that god, or any other supernatural being had given me a mission on earth
I will start practicing psionics and meditation
I will take many animals with me
I will build a time machine!

hmm. if everyone suddenly went poof and vanished, i’d probably spend the first couple months looking for people. eventually though, i’d just start exploring the world, writing down what i see as i go along. would probably find a really big truck and fill it up with supplies, so i don’t have to keep looking for stuff. breaking the law doesnt seem like much of a thrill to me, since the law will be completely useless with only me around. i’d just ignore them and do whatever i feel is needed. i’m sure i would end up writing my own set of laws, as mankind should have made them. also, i’d make some nice riddles that involve key points all over the world, with hidden caches of books, records, memory sticks, blueprints, just about anything that would last a couple centuries of wear and tear. maybe someday aliens will discover earth and find the clues. maybe someone survived that i didn’t know about. would be fun either way to try and preserve the history of mankind like that.

Hmm this one is hard… :shy:

Well think about this: if everyone just disapered then all the electricity would go out because there will be no one maintaining the power grids. So that would take put most of the options. Also who would take you places? Unless you can fly a plane or drive a boat you really can go anywhere and if you try anyway no one will help u when you crash. And were would u get drugs? Are you going to break into someones house and look for them? Most people do not have them. Another thing is would would u eat? All the food would go bad. And you would only be able to cook it on a fire because your stove would stop working.

If none of this happened I’d look for people then umm idk… :cry: