What would you do if you were the last person on earth?

I was just talking about this randomly with a few people and decided:

-I would blow things up. Constantly.

-I would do ridiculous amounts of drugs.

  • I would try to move away from humanity and avoid anything that reminds me of humans.

-I would probably get a nice car, and drive around. Read up on flying, boating, head to Europe. Get a solar panel, and hop on the interne… oh my god that doesn’t work. I would then play flight simulator and try to pilot a plane.

-Obviously stay in the nicest hotel/house that I can find.

-In the end I would probably overdose on something. I don’t know.


Anyone else have anything to add?

I’m the last person on earth…but at least i have my books!

*drops reading glasses

no…no…it’s not fair…




i would probobly kill myself, but first I would…

  1. Steal a whole bunch of stuff.
  2. Make dogs fight.
  3. Ride around on a horse all of the time, except for when im on a dirtbike.
  4. Bomb hollywood.
  5. Take hallusanagenic drugs. haha sorry for the misspelled word…

And that is in order of best to worst.

Everyone wants to do drugs if they were the last person on earth…:lol:

I think I’d kill myself.

Hmmm. Good hypothetical. It would be lonely as hell. I’d meditate a lot to try to stem off the loneliness, get into really good shape by running lots, and start a farm somewhere on a nice plot of land. I’d have a lot of dogs and talk to them, read a lot, listen to lots of music, and just try not to sink into depression, since I would have to psychiatrist to get me out of it :tongue: I would probably take a Mini or two, seeing as they would be free then. And I would read my Bible a lot, to help with the loneliness. I would probably stave off committing suicide, because life would still be worth living, even if it would be even more painful with the loneliness. Plus, I’d have lots of time to read up on European History :cool:

Heheh, good thing it’s very hard for me to get lonely. I think I’d probably lose it eventually though. :tongue:

But before that would happen, I’d probably start composing like mad. I don’t know why. Maybe because I compose really well when I’m alone. I’d also do a lot of exploring. Breaking into a lot of stores too. Oh, especially the music store… All those pianos…

If i’d been a female I’d gone straight to the sperm bank lol :razz:

Good thing I don’t mind being alone (I’ve had lots of experience).

I would:
2.Try to learn lots of new stuff and discover things and become an expert at everything.
3.Get a nice house, car, etc.
4.Horde lots of junk In my house.
5. Get as many fridges as possible and solar panels nd use them to make a super fridge store to keep food in.
6.Make a farm to get food from.
7.Build a super advanced robot just like a person (apart from being robotic) implant my brain in it (I’d need to make another machine to do this for me) and continue forever. Might make more robots for friends.

I’d probably spend a lot of time wandering and traveling while doing things that wouldn’t have been practical with people around (breaking mostly property laws).

After a while I’d be stressed of not seeing anyone else around, so I would probably hang out with ‘clever’ animals more.

I’d probably just break into stores get the fastest car in the world and go over the speedlimit :razz: oh and eat A LOT.

SPOILER - Click to view

Then I’d probably steal a gun and shoot myself.

Probably steal cars, firearms, fireworks, and video games. And lets not forget military grade explosives, planes, and helicopters.

I’d entertain myself by by doing a bunch of wacky stuff like blowing up buildings (Take that, EA games!), playing untested alphas of games that will never go further in development (Wahh, Van Buren. Oh well, it was canceled anyway.) Probably end up killing myself by flying a helicopter and crashing very painfully.

Other questions you could ask for similar situations…

What would happen if you and say, the right person for you, were the last people on earth?
What would happen if you and the person you hated most were the last people on earth? What would you do with someone you hate?
What would happen if you were the survivor of a nuclear holocaust? What would you do to survive?

If you wanna take it a step further literally…

If you were the last person on earth, who’d be making electricity?

If no one was watching watermains around cities, with a week or two, water would literally start to breakdown the cities underground structure… buildings would very likely start to collapse into the ground like in New York recently…

And i don’t like the odds of being the last human alive, against all the other animals which would undoubtedly turn feral…

Sorry to suck the fun out of this :tongue: but these are the things i usually think of, the butterfly effects.

I’m intrigued to know what caused this, if there are no humans, why are there still animals about. And why does everyone want to play computer games, I’m the last person on earth, I know, I’ll play computer games, yay.

Also, to the people who said they’d take drugs, why? Drugs are a form of escapism, but, suddenly, you’re the last person on Earth, there’s no need for escapism, you can do whatever the hell you want, and yet for some reason you all seem to want to get stoned and play computer games!

And what’s with the whole killing yourself thing, that would just suck. There’s so much to see. You could live off of canned food for a hec of a long time, It’s going o be there in every supermarket and shop you pass. you’ll be the only one using petrol so you won’t have to worry about running out of that for a while.

I’d probably travel, I’d start by heading up to Scotland on the east coast of britain, head back down the west, then over to france, it’s not far, you could row it if you had to, and then I’d be in europe and I could, providing I didn’t die, walk the whole way to China, or down to Africa, once you’re In mainland Europe the world just opens up.

Oh, and the whole time I’d be singing really loudly and badly cos there’s nobody to tell me to shut up!

I would relax, steal the world’s guitars (although they wouldn’t belong to anyone so it wouldn’t be stealing) and play them and write songs, record them and just keep doing that forever.

I was thinking of this too…and you’d have to find and kill your own food because after awhile all the food in the stores are going to go bad…

There are lots of people with food storage but it can’t last forever… it does go bad…

meh…but before all this happend I would

steal all of the horseys! take them all to this farm and make them pretty! (lol)
and go get those poor horses that that stupid lady up the street hardly takes care of and make thwm all better!

oh…and I’d get a freakin awesome car and speed super duper fast!!! yay lol

and like lots of other people I’d blow up things! That’s be freakin awesome!

and steal all the cool guns! hahahaha

If I wasn’t 100% sure I was the last I’d look for someone else. I’d spend an eternity looking for him. If I was sure I was the last one left, I’d kill myself. It would be too lonely.

Assuming that all humans on earth(except myself) vanished completely, not all dying and leaving behind bodies or anything(really don’t wanna think about that) :eek: :

I’d probably spend most of my time traveling around, visiting peoples houses to see what they were like. Once I was satisfied I’d probably go to Washington DC and write all my thoughts down and store them in the library of congress. Probably take up residence at a historical location for a while during my years of exploration, somewhere like the white house. Eventually settling down on a cozy farm, keeping myself busy maintaining it and tending to the animals. I’d probably not spend too much time in big cities like New York, it would be kind of creepy knowing that I am completely and utterly alone in the world. As long as I kept busy I could probably keep my sanity, maybe convince myself that there were people out there somewhere. I do have to admit that I’d get very lonely after a while…eventually I would die, all that would have to happen is for me to get an infection or a mortal wound and that would be it(although I’d probably welcome death after a while).

do everything you cant do now for example drive with Big yachts Sleep in thebest hotels
Just everything wander around the world and stuff cause you dont need to pay anything

I suggest everyone who would swallow all drugs left on the planet to do it when they get old, because they’d die. Plain and simple.

As for myself…

At first, I’d throw a party celebrating Earth’s (and maybe the universe’s) cleansing of its cancer and the end of all evil. With that out of the way:

I’d help myself on the whole planet, but I’d eventually get bored of it.

It would also depend on why the rest of humanity is no more.

I’d try to get in touch with aliens, trying to get them to notice me, and ask them to take me to some other planet, or around the galaxy, who knows. Many would like to see (or study…) the last Homo Sapiens Sapiens in the universe. But I’m afraid they’d just take what’s left of the planet’s resources, take me as a prisoner, and perform all kinds of experiments on me. But since would be no females left, I don’t think I’d be more of a curiosity. I mean, humanity is gone in some years when I die. Period. No recreating it or anything.

Otherwise, I’d write a journal, a codex in a simple script with symbolical explanations to help them decipher it, for any future visitors of the planet, explaining what happened and where to look if they want to discover what humanity was like and what it knew. Developing it would probably take all that’s left of my life, if not more. But I’d still go for it. I know the feeling of discovering something about a civilization and not being able to know anything more because some stuff got lost. And it sucks.

I’d also add a footnote at the end of it all, saying it’s not worth the grief.

I think I would explore, blow alot of shit up, and do what ever I felt like untill I died.(not by my doing)

And what is up with people killing themselfs sheesh.