Whatcha Gettin' For Christmas?

So yeah, what are all you lucid dreamers wishing for for Christmas; I’d be interested to know.

Me, I’m getting some shirts with the following craziness on 'em:

A shirt with:

Salad Fingers on it.
Weebl n Bob on it.
Madness Combat on it.
A shirt that says, “Shirt.” on it.
And maybe a Homestar Runner shirt.

And maybe some poker chips.

I want a few more AA rechargable batteries … and maybe some D size also. :smile:

Think i’m getting an ipod mini, and then just a few dvd’s and a book or two I want.

Some DvD’s I listed (for all those wondering, I know there’s alot)The Bourne Supremacy, The Last Samurai, Friends season 7 & 8. LoTR: Return of the King - 4 disc special edition.

Some new pedals for my guitar, Metal gear solid 3, hopefully some money…

Some crap for my pc and a $200 bubbler from my friend :tulip:

red dwarf: series 1-4 (i have 5-8 on my computer)
Halo 2
some quality headphones

and whatever else my parents wish to buy me!


I want to get a Coablt Flux DDR Pad and the unlimited range ball plan at my golf course. Both are over 300 so it is unlikley I will get both.

i love red dwarf :happy: i will get the complete series one day ( i haven’t got any yet)

for crimbo this year i don’t know what im getting so it will be a surprise!!! :happy: I actually don’t know anything im getting. Ive seen the prezzies wrapped up some are floppy and soft so some clothes. and there is a dvd shaped one so either dvd/game. im guessing though.

christmas gift ideas: click here :grin:

and TheBranMuffin: how about a t-shirt with “born to be lucid” on it ? :smile: :smile:

A digital camera :cool: and I can’t think of anything else :tongue:

druma and a double bass rig
then on my birhtday what ever i buy

box set of the matrix
my holiday away for newyears
and hopefully some other cool things i dont know of

Sony Erricson z1010 (mostly paid for by me :sad: )

We keep the christmas presents a secret until they are opened :cool: My family says I’m one of the hardest ones to think up a present for! :tongue:

[color=indigo][b]well…when we were kids we got surprises…but then we decided it would be good to get £100, and then we could spend it on stuff we KNOW we want. Instead of that one item you’re like “yeah thanks…I…love it…” and really you’re screaming “do you know me at all!!! This is vile!!! ARGH”

And my nan and grandad and those kind of people always gave us whatever they thought of at the time.

Last year was good cos we got money AND random stuff, so it was practical AND fun.

This year my mum’s decided to make us all make a wish list so people know what kind of things to get.

I don’t want to make a wishlist, I don’t want much for xmas.

Things I WOULD liks are



and some transfer printing paper so I can make my own tshirts.

That’s it. Other than that I don’t mind WHAT I get.

Hey, a Porsche Boxster would go down well…[/b][/color]

:angel_fly: :devil: :angel_fly: :devil: :angel_fly:

a hobbit costume and the ring of power

Ill reply to this post just cuz im bored :tongue:

All id like to get is a CD player :content: …whats the point of an expensive MP3 player anywho? :eh:

i’m not really sure, I’m getting money, I’ll probably get stuff corresponding to moving out… little trinkets, housing stuff, whatnot…

I’ll be getting APCs amotion dvd which I hear sucks, but eh, might as well get it, I own their other things.

I will be getting something… “expensive” … and to be “shared” with my Uncle… I’m … not sure what it is…

I was at Best Buy, and looking at CDs while they bought me something, and I saw them go by, but didn’t see what it was they got me… my mom asked “Did you see us?” so I of course said “yes” … hoping that she would admit to what she got me, and i was just in a toying kind of mood.

well… then… she said something about sending in a rebate, and my brother, who wants to keep whatever this is a surprise, says “Only expensive things have rebates mom! you shouldn’t have said that.”

then I implied that since I “knew” I didn’t have to wait for it, without ever directly lying or implying I knew, and she said “well maybe it’s for your uncle”

and then that it’s for us to share.

wtf kind of expensive electronic thing can two people share? Walkie talkies? it’s not walkie talkies…

can’t be a video game system… or can it? it’s gotta be something relating to putting in a new house, because both of us are moving into new places… and it’s more than likely something entertaining… so I don’t know what she means by sharing, because … if it were an appliance, since he lives in another state, I don’t know how we’d share it.


it could be that the thing includes two of whatever it is, somehow.

I probably will get digital camera Pentax OptioX (I told my parents to tell Santa witch one I want… Cute. Awww…)

And also as my birthday is few days after Christmas I’ll count guitar too.


New year, new wishes. X3

Jeez…how long have I been a member of ld4all? xD

This year…I just want to go home. That’s all…I want a place of my own, back home.

But it’s not going to happen.

I’m not getting anything this year, because I’m all…old…and I got a laptop anyway, half way through the year. X3[/b][/color][/size]