So I was just wondering what’s good music to play when you “have a girl over”. I know Barry White is good, anyone else have any suggestions?
Well how about SoMtHinG that She LiKes?
Depends on the girl of course.
Anyways, how about some triphop or ambient stuff?
Morcheeba Charango, BuddhaBar, Portishead, Cybajazz, air…
If she doesn’t like that electronic music, perhaps some calm rock music?
“Beck - The golden age” or Coldplay
Try Enigma. Especially their first cd (MCMXC a.D.). Somehow this music always makes the temperature rise
I mean if i come home with a girl i meet in a club. Normally I would play something I know the girl likes.
im a girl so i shud know…not something TOO cheesy like ‘the look of love’ or something coz tht wud just make her think ‘um…no’ ah theres this brill song by Pink called Oh my God it would definately work if u wanted to b explicit, the words: Put me on the table, make me say your name’, there is another song by Pink called love song and one by Xtina called lovin me 4 me, both of them are really slow and sensual. Where you could dance with her just the two of u…ah…im a hopeless romantic
I would put on some music that I like and then I would ask her if she likes it. If she doesn’t I would ask her what she likes and then we would have to find something that we both like. Then we would go on and have a really good time together. Atleast that’s how I would do it
Agree with JaRoD completely.
But i have few bands still that fit author’s description, at least for being awesome background music, relaxing, chilled and still not taking too much attention.
Air french electronica.
Moon Safari is usually their most praised album though i like the ones after that also. Excellent background music, doesnt get better than this.
Phoenix french rock.
see and hear for yourself. … ything.ram … runrun.ram
Dave matthews band
David Gray
Cannibal Corpse…women love it.
Please, have mercy! No Barry White! You can’t generalize either and say, “what do women want to hear?” How fair is that? Everybody’s different, and you have to keep that in mind.
Well, the question is not “What kind of music do women like?” but “What kind of music creates a good atmosphere?”.
For example, I like hiphop, but even if I knew she liked hiphop as well I certainly would chose something else anyways.
i agree wit ya because I love the Rasmus but it would be a complete turn off if i was at a guys house n he put it on…
I know personally… If a guy was playing “love making???” music… then i think i would be turned off right then…
Better to listen to what you and her want to listen to… because that is the music you both feel like listening to…
i dont really know what your intentions are… but that is my suggestion…
but then that is just my opinion
Something rhytmic…shammanic drumming should do:)
they only like crappy music, so that would be boyband, pop or some crappy romantic music about love.
that statment is so untrue I’m actually laughing right now.
Excuse my bad mood today…
I have meet quite a few girls that are like that though, but i am sure there are a few exceptions.