What's happening to me?!?! (OOBE?)


Hello everybody, this is my first post in the LD4all community, and I come to you with a question regarding an odd occurrence which has been happening to me occasionally during sleep.

This always occurs when I’m lying on my back, and I’ve seen a definite correlation between caffeine consumption before bed and these occurrences. Slight edit

I’ll try to describe the chain of events as best I can:

It usually starts with a feeling of not being able to move. I usually always identify this with sleep paralysis, but I soon learn that it might be something different. I can move. I usually fall out of my bed, stumbling around, barely able to keep my eyes open, and having very poor physical coordination. I can never seem to make it too far.

Every time is a little bit different, however. I’d say about half the time I’ll be convinced my mom comes into my room and tries to talk to me, or I’ll have some other sort of strange, yet realistic hallucination. The other half of the time, my vision will just “fade to black”, and I’ll either repeat the process, or if I try hard enough, I can wake up.

I’ll also have a very weird feeling throughout my body, it almost feels as if all of my nerves are tingling, and after the occurrences I usually have a small headache.

I’m not sure if I’m having false awakenings, OOBE’s, Lucid Dreams, or something else. I’ve tried to outline everything as best I can, does anybody have any input as to what is occurring, and if there’s anyway to possibly enhance these occurrences? (By being able to do things like leave my room, or possibly enter an LD or OOBE?)

Thanks for reading


Slight edit made, regarding drug mention :dragon:

It sounds to me a lot like you are already in a dream. If I was in that position, I would try to focus on the surroundings in your room to stabilise the experience. You could also try spinning, keeping a destination in mind, as a means of teleporting. That can have the consequence of waking you up though.

GreenDragon is right- you probably are dreaming.
Next time it happens, you can be sure with a RC. After that, you can shout “increase lucidity,” spin, stare at something intently, etc. Personally, I would go through a mirror or door to teleport.
Experiment a little and you can figure out what is going on and what to do!
Good luck!

I would think you were having an OOBE (sorry to disagree guys!). I have had both LD and OOBE and to me they feel quite different - but having said that i believe that they are both different ways of getting into/becoming consciously aware in the astral. The difference with LDs is that you are already in the midst of the dream state and surrounded by the imagery/subconscious influences that come with that. In my experience an OOBE is different in that you are in the locality of your physical body and you get these weird sensations - buzzing/heaviness/difficult to move etc… Don’t get me wrong - as far as i understand it the room in that state is still an astral projection of your bedroom but its perhaps on a plane closer to the physical than when you wake up in a dream. It also tends to happen just as your dropping off to sleep or as a result of a WILD technique.

I hope that kinda makes sense and isn’t too ‘hippiefied’ :tongue: