This usually never works for me. I’ll keep thinking of an image in my mind, and think up of stuff that I’d do with my friends, but keeping mind that I will be dreaming really soon.
Then, when I begin to sleep, and new images start to appear, I feel light headed. Then I wake up, instantly. I don’t even become exited in my dreams, but the words “I’m dreaming!” pops up into mind. It’s like my brain keeps triggering to awaken, everytime I feel the begining of sleeping. It’s just so confusing. I’ve just begun reading about MILD, WILD, and WBTB. Before, I didn’t really have the time for it, because of school and all. But now it’s summer. Maybe I can start with that now. It’ll brobrably get me somewhere. But the thing I want to ask.
Is there ways I can sleep deeper? Maybe sleeping a little more than I usually do. I mean, I can be a very light sleeper. I just don’t really know how to sleep deep. Without buying a new bed or buying a product of any sort.