I have never had a LD b4. I was just wondering…what is the first step ?
Dream recall. Without it how would you know if you went lucid. The most common tool for this is a dream journal. The journal also helps in identifying dreamsigns.
Is this what u do ?
Damn that was quick.
And yes I.ve kept one since August, I get more than a dream per night, I’m just kinda lazy now, been so long since my last LD that I’m losing momentum and motivation
oh…thats 2 bad…ive heard that LDs are pretty cool and intense. U shouldnt stop. Its kind of a gift being able to have lds.
one word, diligence. try your hardest and never give up. worked for me!
After these diplomas I should have more time to do dreamwork in though. Only have 2.5 classes next semester and only 2 of em are core subjects. This semester I got 4 core subjects. After the chem 30 diploma I’ll be on easy dream street
well yes a dream journal is the best bar far and alot of hard work too. But the other is beilf. If you dont belive you will have one you probally wont. Dont dought your abbiltys if it takes you a few weeks than it takes you a few weeks. Dont give up. Enjoy your dreams bacause they are you.
Good luck and hope to hear of your progress