Hello all, im new but very able. Now my question is what kind of herbs and foods are the best to enhance the possibillity of having an LD? Thx.
As with everything about your mind, there isn´t something like “best technique, best herb etc”
All work different for different people.
Perhaps I´d try Calea Zacatechichi (dreamherb) first, although it did nothing for some people had good results (don´t try the tea, unless you want to know what the most bitter substance in this universe tastes like… I am serious!).
Vitamin B6&B12 seem to have good effects for dreamrecall for most people, but that doesn´t directly help with LDing.
Have a look around this forum
yeah calea is quite nasty but if you chew on a mind after drinking it it gets rid of the after taist. B6 works for me as far as improving dream recall goes, also check out mugwort. i’ve also had success with that.
I don’t think theres a substance in the world that automatically gives you lucid dreams. i find the best way is to do lots of reallity checks in real life and take things that improve dream recall.
also meditation seems to help.
My best technique is just to get lots of sleep to give the brain time to cycle into REM enough.
I also find it helps if I’m relaxed. When I’m in information overload or stressed out, my brain seems to go into “sort mode” – the only dreams I get are random images spliced together. When I’m relaxed, my lucid and non-lucid dreams are more likely to run like mini-movies.
Even non-lucid dreams can be fun and entertaining when you remember them!