I don’t know if this has happened to other people but it happens to me all the time.
Sometimes when I’m LDing I like to ask the DCs if they know they are part of a dream. Or I’ll tell them I’m dreaming just to see their reaction. Usually it’s the same response. They try to change the subject, or they don’t even acknowledge what I just said. Why would they do that? Is it my subconscious mind trying to trick me into falling back into the dream or what?
Just curious to see if I’m the only one this is happening to.
In my 2nd and latest LD , I told my friend that he was in my dream and he just pretended like I was joking or a little crazy and said “…Ok…” and then we just moved on.
i’ve gotten similar flippant reactions from DCs, i did once (only once so far) asked a DC what it was like to be in my dream and he got VERY excited and started going on about how great it was shrug
i don’t think it’s an issue of your subconscious trying to trick you or anything, i think your subconscious just wants you to concentrate on the dream instead of the fact that you are dreaming (did that make any sense ??? )
Sometimes I think the subconscious somehow DOES want to trick you into going non-lucid again. What the motivation would be, I’m not sure.
DC’s usually react the way you expect them to. If they’re flippant it’s because they’re imitating the way people would react in real life. On the other hand, if you’re completely open-minded and unsure of how a DC will react, maybe they’ll just ignore you.
Yes - most people here seem to say their DCs don’t understand the lucid dream. My mum says she had a lucid dream where somebody was pissing her off and she just said “I’m warning you, this is a dream, you should treat me with some respect!”
ive done that-the dream character lucid thing-ive written this in another similar topic but basicly what happened was i told people it was a dream and sure enough they all thought they were dreaming also-and we all thought we were having a shared dream…which led me to think they were real , then i had an FA and spoke with these people about our SD-grrrrr
other times i have told DCs because they where getting to serious about stuff- like an LD where our dog was hit by a car and it was sumhow my fault-anyway my mum DC was telling me off and i was like “it dosent matter its a dream and she will be okay later anyway” then mum still wouldnt shut up so i went and hit her(im not usualy abusive to my mum in real life-lol ) and i thought to myself “shes going to be hurt when i tell her i did this in once i wake up”
Another time a Dc was telling me off for sum reason and i said "dosent matter its a dream-then the dc said “oh thats just like you jase-i lose all this weight and you go and say somthing like that to me and make me feel terrible” i thought that was pretty funny