Whats your longest dream?

Whats the longest time you “lived” a dream? What I mean is, how much time did you think you spent in a dream?

Mine is 5 days. And it was a half nightmare. Not great, but very interesting :neutral:

Mine is about 20 minutes, I’ve only recently started learning how to slow/stop time in my dreams and talk to my subconcious.

BTW your quote is wrong it’s “People are either sleepwalking through their waking life or wake-walking through their dreams…”

Thanks, fixed it.

Im afraid, a ld I had last week I thought was the longest.
In the dream I:

Had a converstion with my parents at a restaurant.
Talked to Ozzy Osbourne.
Went to NSW in Austrailia to visit my Sensei on his farm.
Talked to my Sensei.
Was reminded I had to visit someone in Michigan.
Sold someone a key for $400.(not sure of the significance of that)
Talked to my spirit guide.

That was the longest dream I have ever had.
I had no concept of time yet it seemed like forever.
I did not endevor to fly in my dream I did some kind of ground to ground teleport.
Since I dont really know how long the dream lasted, I cannot be truely sure that it was the longest.
Has anyone developed an awareness of time in their dreams?

dream continues on i continue to have ejaculations… 3 of them :shy: sad? fun? definetinely fun :grin:

Amra- sounds like a good dream. :alien:
I once has this dream that felt as if it lasted 4 hours and I could not wake up no matter how hard i tried and I kept haveing FAs but I would only gte mildly lucid. Why can’t this stuff happen to me now?

It’s hard to measure time while dreaming, but you can sometimes do so many things that it seems like you were there for hours.

The longest LD I could reliably measure was about 50 minutes. This was a successful WILD, and lasted until I woke up. I checked the time both before and after having it.

Aydira, that’s so true. I’d love to have a 4 hour LD dream that I couldn’t wake up from even if I tried :grin:

my longest non ld was around 2 weeks.

YOu mean living in the same dream? The same story or just ONE longest dream?

If the same dream… well probably two days. If just one longest dream… uh… I can’t officially announce it as a correct guess. About probably… four hours. I have had some dreams where I felt like I have been living out my dream for a lifetime before I woke up so I remember a lot of details and some false memories that took me a while to seperate from my real memories. Wierd eh? :eek:

non-LD for 2 weeks? Do you remember the course of events? Sounds intriguing.

Nah not really, it feelt like 2 weeks, but when waking up some details is missing… kinda like a movie i think.