When im trying to do WILD i just lie down and concentrate on breathing while counting etc, after quite a short while (usually only 7ish mins)my body starts to go numb, and i start seeing increased HI.
However i always get syliva (spelling?) at the back of my throat for some reason… it only happenes when im doing WILD, and it buggs me so much that i want to swallow. And when i do i usuallly stop the WILD because i loose all of the HI and relaxation etc.
Any tips on stopping/overcoming that?
Also, when I Fail at WILD i can never get a good nights sleep afterwards… i mean its like when i wake up the next morning my sleep felt incomplete, like i havent had enough of it. When usually ive had 10+ hrs.
I dont particuarly like this feeling, any thoughts on it?
Thanks in advance