When doing WILD

When im trying to do WILD i just lie down and concentrate on breathing while counting etc, after quite a short while (usually only 7ish mins)my body starts to go numb, and i start seeing increased HI.

However i always get syliva (spelling?) at the back of my throat for some reason… it only happenes when im doing WILD, and it buggs me so much that i want to swallow. And when i do i usuallly stop the WILD because i loose all of the HI and relaxation etc.

Any tips on stopping/overcoming that?

Also, when I Fail at WILD i can never get a good nights sleep afterwards… i mean its like when i wake up the next morning my sleep felt incomplete, like i havent had enough of it. When usually ive had 10+ hrs.

I dont particuarly like this feeling, any thoughts on it?

Thanks in advance

same problem here, everyone jus says dont htink abuot it but that doesnt work you have to swallow so i dunno.

Ok look, right before you know your situated and you know you won’t move, Suck out all the wetness from your mouth, swallow and put your teeth together. That helped me, and I’ve had about six WILD’s.

Many people find this salivation problem with meditation also, and as such advise people to put their tongues up to the roof of their mouth touching their teeth… It’s supposed to help the situation - if you can do that while remaining sufficiently relaxed for WILD, it could help I guess. Good luck :smile:

Sometimes i have that problem while WILD’ing but i just ignore it,is more or less like the itching.