When I was A kid...

It seems that all these website terms come to play more so in my childhood than the present. I always tried flying in dreams, and my dad told me about lucid dreams when i was little, but i had some before that too. ALSO:: why is it i only LD when lying on my back, or waking up on my back. When i wake up on my back, i always have SP . Why is SP linked to sleeping on your back? IS LD ing linked as well?

I have two statement/questions so here it goes:::

When I was A kid:

Dream 1: Im at the playground. Something bad is happening. I close my eyes. They dont close (read on a website sumwhere that thats a sign ur dreaming)

Dream 2: In Dream: Count my Fingers. 6.

Dream 3: I’m crawling on an arch (like the st louis one) chasing this woman (mother of adopted person i knew) im crawling after her. Theres dinasaurs below. Plastic. Neon colors. I fall to my death. I start rising, look down…see my body.

These arent lucid dreams, but i had a bunch when i was younger, lots of meaningfull ones as well. One time after my dad told me about lucidity, i went lucid, had no powers :sad:

Why was it that when i was a kid i had these awesome wodnerfull memorable lucid dreams, and now they are like blurs and i barely remember them. also: i dont have nightmares any more either :-\

Im probably leaving out louds of good dreams that i cant recall as of now but::

the other night:: was this an LD :::

I had been reading about LD ing for about an hour…went to sleep like usuall

the dream(LD?) :: Me and my friend are walking down the hallway at school when i realize im lucid and say HAY IM LUCID
and he says somethign like i was crazy. Everything went yellowish gold, then he (class rank 6th in our school) said something like a statement/joke about straight A+ students having the ability to accelerate into pure energy. I feel a pushing from behind me (insane amount of power) My body freezes and it pushes me towards the doors leaving school. everythign goes blurry and the yellowish light gets more and more. I wake up on my back, head to my right side, with SP for about 5 secs. (very uncomfotable)

LD? if so, it wouldn’t be my first…just thought ide mention my first one spawned from reading about lucidity.

(sorry if this entire post sounded rambling nonsensish, scattered, or random…random thoughts :-\ )

Well, acctually SP is not related to sleeping on your back. For most people it’s much easier having SP’s when you’re sleeping on your back, but it isn’t needed to be sleeping on your back to have an SP. About 80% of the times I wake up in SP I am sleeping on my stomach. I don’t know why, it’s just from person to person.

Same for me. I think that as we grow up we stop paying so much attention to our dreams and focus more onto “reality”. I never had LD’s when I was a kid though, but they were way more vivid and I had a great DR.
But you can overcome that if you pactice =]

As long as you knew you were dreaming and you understood what that means, then yes, it was an LD, but mybe just a moment of lucidity, like attaining lucidity and forgetting about it 3 secs later.