When RCs go wrong

Last Thursday, it was about 8 at night (I had been taking a nap previously) , and I was kind of tired. I was in a parkinglot of a store and waiting in the car, so I looked on the floor and did an RC. “If $5 appears on the floor I’m dreaming.” I suddenly notice a $5 bill on the floor that I hadn’t seen previously. I told my dad “I just did an RC and a dollar appeared on the floor.” I picked it up “If this is real no one will ever question you.” I walked into the store, my fav. candy bar was on special. :eek: I got the receipt and left for home. When I woke up the next day I found the receipt on the table…it still is there.

I guess this proves I need to use a different technique. :neutral:

haha :smile:

I’d say.

Strange thing happened to me last night too, I couldn’t sleep so I woke up at 10:20, I did another RC (are hands real? The mirror?) and it passed. I saw the clock, it said 3:31 or something, I was shocked. Did I pass out?

BTW: I was just trying to sleep, no LDs were intended (though they did happen)