When your Lucid do your eyes stay in REM?

Hey Guys,

I wonder when you become lucid in your dream do the eyes still move in rapid eye movement succession?

Moved from General Lucidness. :dragon:

yep! the movements you make with your dream eyes in the LD can be seen if someone looks at your physical eyelids. That’s how LD’s were proved to exist. :smile:

Thanks for the reply

But your answer is what I already know,

I was asking something else, perhaps I didn’t explain it too well

What I mean is, the moment you become lucid in your dream does rapid eye movement come to a stop? (the signaling back to the real world is not rapid eye movement - it’s just acknowledging to the real world that your dreaming).

Oh, I see. My bad.

Well I don’t really know. :tongue: But I’d guess your eyes continue moving according to what you look at in the dream. So if you’d chose to look steady at something REM would seem to stop.

(that wasn’t what you asked either, was it? ._. )

I don’t know the answer, but I think honey’s talking about if your REM stays the same whilst lucid. :nuu:

I think your eyes still have REM, seeing as your still seeing the dream and it is still a DREAM.
I’m not sure though. Sorry. :sad: