Where do you become lucid?

I go lucid any random place.

I always get lucid in my bedroom.

I would say 60 % of the time I get lucid after a FA. The room I wake up in
usually looks like the bedroom I went to sleep in. But strangely, outside of my bedroom everything’s pretty much different all the time.

I’m usually at the house of a childhood friend, from long ago, in another city. Why I end up there I don’t know. Other times I’m on the street in front of my current home.

Most of my lucid dreams have occured within the home, seeing as its most familiar to me, and i recognize the small differences such as an extra couch, or different paintings or pics on walls.

I become Lucid in my permanent Dream Scape :o

once… I became lucid in a public resteroom, (that I had never been to before…) because I realized I didnt have to use it… :shrug:

It was in my house (started in my bro’s bedroom then the kitchen, living room and the back of my house) Im still trying to figure out how did i become lucid that 1st very lucid time?

I never get lucid in my house or familler enviorments, because thats just another reason to think i’m not dreaming. So when I LD its ushaully in a diffrent world or somewhere I ushally don’t go.

I always get lucid at home, or other familiar location a good idea but now I have NDs about malls. When I find myself in a really strange place I might become lucid or stay dreaming.