Which is the best...

food, vitamin etc. to make me feel sleepy?

I find some Cold & Flu vitamins to make one sleepy.

Well, depends on what you mean by “best”.
Heroin could work, but you don´t want to do that…
Valerian root is quite safe, although it might not be that strong.
Some chemical sleeping pills probably work, but most of them kill REM sleep, so they are no use for LDing

thanks Tapir, i better not use any of these, it could stop me from doing LD.

Melatonin seems to be best choice,its free of “rem killer” feature and so far no side effects apart good ones.

Eat some turkey 45 minutes before you go to bed.

turkey? hehe

Its true, it has a chemical in it called Triptamine (if I’m not mistaken)
It makes you sleepy :tongue:

Don’t you mean tryptophan?

It’s also in milk, especially warmed milk.
Adding a little honey is also recomended.

Apparently warming the milk causes certain enzymes to convert more precursor substances into tryptophan.
Don’t over-heat, or you’ll destroy the enzymes. I’ve also heard that – supposedly – this reaction may reverse to some degree if the milk cools again.

Apparently, the honey (non-sucrose sugars?) changes insulin levels, which (somehow) causes tryptophan to have better access to the brain. (Normally other amino acids out-compete tryptophan for access to the cell-membrane transport mechanism that carries large molecules across the blood-brain barrier).

I personally prefer (chocolate) Ovaltine, but the priciple’s the same.

It’s a hormone, don’t use it unless you know what you are dealing with because hormones never have ‘no side effects apart from good ones’ if taken carelessly.

AHA so that’s why in Thanksgiving everyone goes to bed quickly (that applies to my father)

Yeah, I spelled that wrong I guess. Its Tryptophan like Bernard said.
Anyways, I’ve noticed warm milk makes me sleepy too. I used to drink it at bedtime when I couldn’t sleep back in the day when I was a youngin :wink:

well… i read that u shouldn’t eat at least 3 hours before going to sleep, coz then you ll fall asleep more easily… and with heavy stomache its difficult to fall asleep.
