I know vitamin B helps because of the other topic.
(And I immediately ate an orange LOL)
can any other substances help?
or are there any substances decreasing your dream-recall?
carbohydrates (sugars for example),protein,fat,other vitamins,minerals?
I like as much information as possible. I intend to change my way of eating to help me getting LD’s.
st. john’s wort is suppose to help. and if you are really extreme you can try doing dxm (a physcadelic). dxm isnt too hard to find, if you’re interested me (or someone else on the board) will post some info on it. as for st. johns wort, id say it works alright.
I had a bottle of Irn Bru before retiring to bed two nights ago and afterwards had some amazingly vivid dreams.
Seriously though, I noticed that I bought the diet version which contained sodium saccarin. It said on the label that this is a source of phenylanaline (is that how you spell it?).
I seem to remember that this is something which can induce LDs, or am I imagaining it
Can anyone put me right on this?
I will have to try it again before bed to see if this was actually the cause…
I’ve found that small doses of caffeine (ie, 1 cup of coffee), are useful in doing wilds… help falling asleep… but larger doses just completely ruin it. It seems to be about finding a balance. And I know everyone knows about caffeine
Speaking from experience, I have been doing this kind of thing for
21 years now.-
1o I cant say drugs will hel you of any kind, medicinal or herbal. My advice is to stay away from these as they tend to decrease your ability to actually control your dream. You want to continue to increase your awareness and clarity, not mess it up.
2o I have found becoming vegetarian also increases your abilities. It is healther for you too. Soy protien I have found is a good subsititute for meat. Meat and other fats are hard on your colon, and can give you cancer. I recommend flax seed oil when you crave fat. So eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, stay away from bread. Most of your carbohydrates CAN be taken from fruit. Plus you’ll also lose weight if you are fat. This diet has helped me immensly as I practice an internal martial art (pa kua chang). B vitamins generally will help your nervous system also.
3o Take up some form of physical exercise, this will help you in visualization too. Especially an internal art that will build up your internal/ cns like: Taijiquan, baguazhang (pa kua chang), or hsing-I (Xing-yi) You can get tapes/books @ taijiworld.com At the least take up QiGong/Ch’iKung these forms of meditation will increase your health and LD abilities. Not to mention youll live longer.
Hot milk half an hour before sleeping helps you fall asleep, so you’ll have more time sleeping and dreaming. Well I can’t really say it does too much more, but either way I drink milk every night since I need the calcium.
What about omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish or flax)? I’ve read that they’re essential for proper brain functioning, but I havent seen anything about dreaming.
No it doesnt help your dreaming directly, but according to chinese medicine your intestines are connected to the “joy” emotion.
Basically flax helps keep everything moving, so that you do have joy,
(or maybe something else…)
So you are not disturbed by any gastrointestinal difficulies while you sleep.