I can’t seem to decide myself, so tell me what you think.
I like the third one and the fifth one
Third and fourth ones have my vote.
I like the fifth one the most.
the third looks the most striking as an avatar, but the fourth is something i would like as a desktop background
Your avatar should represent you, so pick the one you like most.
Personally I prefer the Cat’s Eye Nebula
I’d say the third and fourth would be the easiest to make into an avatar. The third is my fav.
i agree with Mohegan.
personal preference would be the molten earth…
Doesn’t look like the 1st, 2nd, or 6th are very popular…
Agreed. 3rd and 4th.
The picture of terraformed Mars is my favorite.
I know that #3 has the most popular vote, but #5 is a close second, plus I like it better, so I think I’m gonna get the molten earth as an avatar. Thanks everybody!
Hey guys I need help with this. I’ve got the pic turned into 100x100 size, but it says it’s about a kb too big. When I made it 75x75, it said that the link was not valid. What now?
i would go with the third one