Which part of the brain are active in LD, ND, etc.?


Where can I found (or you know) which part of the brain are active in LD, ND, in alpha state, when we are relaxed, etc.?
My main question are ND and LD, but if you know other, or you know where I can find more, write here.

Which part of the brain are active in LD?
Forehead, top of the head, occiput, left (or right) side x position, etc.

I hope you understand what I ask for.
If not, tell me I can be more precise.

Or you know where I can ask (forum, groups, anywhere?) to get more data about this.


Globally there is no major brain functionning difference between a LD and a ND. And REM sleep is also called paradoxal sleep cause you brain is functionning quite in the same way than during waking state.

About the other stages of sleep, I can’t tell. Some parts are disconnected in deep sleep, for instance the visual cortex, I believe, so that you don’t “see” anything. Some parts are disconnected during early sleep, for instance the prefrontal cortex, that’s the reason why we experience HI (that is, thoughts which are no more attributed to ourselves).

I don’t think the main thing is what is functionning, but how it’s functionning. Sleep stages are divided according to brain waves, that is electric frequencies. And in REM sleep, the sensory inputs are replacd by neurons firing randomly.

Moreover, in ND’s/LD’s you sometimes are yourself and suddenly you become someone else or experience the dream at the 3rd person; or you have access to RL memories, then you have false memories. It means that even if parts of the brain are functionning, they are not functionning simultaneously, or they are functionning anyhow, so that we don’t have the same consciousness than IRL.

It’s a very difficult question, I’ll try to find more information.

I mean which part of the brain “work” (for example if you watch at EEG - is it right term) when we are in the LD and in the ND?

I told you. The same parts than in waking life.

And those parts for LD are …?

For ND must be some other parts?!

The whole brain. That is, for instance right and left hemispheres. Every part of the brain is useful during waking life (yet not all in the same time, of course :wink: ) and it’s the same in LD’s and ND’s : suppose you dream you ride a bicycle, your brain will do the same work as if you were riding a bicycle IRL and the parts of the brain which are useful when riding a bicycle will be active. That’s the reason why the body is paralyzed during REM sleep cause if it wasn’t we’ll act our dreams. Thus it depends on what you’re doing in your dream: each activity will make function a different part of the brain, just like IRL.

This has to be verified though. Your question is so much global that it makes it very difficult to answer. Even if it’s true in the main lines, the neurotransmitter which inhibits acting could have some other effects.

And some parts of the brain are obviously not functioning during ND’s, for instance the critical activity - hence we miss huge dreamsigns - and the connection with sensory outputs. I’ll try to find more information, as I told you before.

And some parts of the brain are obviously not functioning during ND’s, for instance the critical activity - hence we miss huge dreamsigns - and the connection with sensory outputs. I’ll try to find more information, as I told you before.

If you can try to find also more informations about that “critical activity” and “connection with sensory outputs”, and where they are “located” in our brain!


One of the problems with your question is that not that much is known about dreaming yet. It hasn’t been that long that dreaming was interesting enough, or important enough to spend lots of time and money studing it.
What is known, that I know, is that like Basilus West said what you use when your awake is used in dreams, both ND and LD. The differences are A) your body doesn’t move so you are not “doing what you are dreaming that you are doing”, ( There are some exceptions to this, some people “do everthing that they dream that they are doing”, but I would not want to sleep in the same bed with someone like that ) B) you are not criticaly aware of things that can not be IRL, ie. in a dream you will accept flying, people turning into other people etc. without thinking “this can’t be real”. Note: there is mounting evidence that people will miss a lot of change IRL without noticing it as well so this may just be a level of critical awareness and not turnning off critical awareness, kind of like if you know that something will change you pay more attention, but normaly you just don’t notice little changes.
As more time and money is spent studing dreams, we will learn more. There might be someone here on the list that has closer contact to researchers doing the work, so they might know more, or be able to find more out, but the rest of us will just have to wait utill more is published about this.

In a normal dream, it’s mainly just the right hemisphere, which deals with being creative. The left and logical hemisphere is mainly dormant during a normal dream.

However, in a lucid dream, an equilibrium is formed and the left hemisphere’s activity becomes equal to that of the right hemisphere.

So that doesnt matter if you’re left or right “brained” (As in, dominating hemisphere)? (Ive heard people say you have a disadvantage of getting LDs when your right hemisphere is dominant)

Well, if your left brain is nt, then you have a knack to be more logical, hence giving you an advantage at lucid dreaming.

I wouldn’t really consider having your right brain nt being a disadvantage though. Most musicians and artists have the right side of their brain as nt.

First answer: here is what I found in the scientific litterature about REM-sleep and normal dreams.

REM sleep is related to an intense brain activity, as much important as during waking state. The REM sleep EEG is similar to waking state EEG. Frontal cortex, occipital cortex, etc. are active during REM sleep and right and left hemispheres are both functionning, though the right brain is possibly a bit more active. Now it is important to know that the two hemispheres of the brain work unilaterally in dreaming: they are disconnected from each other.

The EEG can only record cortical activity, that is the brain outer layers which are only present in mammals. Brain imaging (MRI) has to be used to see how the inner brain is functionning.

Scientists discovered in the 90’s other brain structures, deeply located under the cortex, whose activity is greatly modified during REM sleep. This increase or decrease in activity depends on the kind of dream you’re having.

For instance, the primary visual cortex, located at the rear of the brain, is not very active during REM sleep… cause no more signals come from the eyes. And there is quite no reaction to auditory and visual external stimuli cause the afferent sensory pathways are quite not functionning.

On the other hand, the extrastriate visual areas, which decode and analyze visual scenes, are more active, cause they have a lot to do in decoding random signals which are send and organize them in coherent scenes.

The limbic system (hippocampus and amygdala), which is implied in emotions, is very active. It’s less active during non-REM stages in which dreams are less rich with emotions. Hippocampus may also be related with learning new experiences during dreams.

The frontal cortex and prefrontal cortex activity is very weak. As they are implied in personnality, social relations, judging and conscious thought, it may explain the bizarre, illogical and sometimes asocial content of dreams.

The parietal inferior lobe is less functionning. As it transmits real life experience to memory, it may explain why we don’t remember dreams very well.

Anterior cingular gyrus, which is related with attention and motivation, is more active. Scientists don’t know why.

The pontus is very active cause this part of the brain is responsible for REM-sleep, by sending signals which provoke rapid eyes movements and by inhibiting physical movement (sleep paralysis). Moreover, PGO (ponto-geniculo-occipital) waves play an important role in triggering and maintaining rapid eye movement sleep and their phenomena, for instance rapid-eyes-movement, changes in breathing and cardiac rhythms. Pontus looks like the REM-sleep generator.

You can locate these parts of the brain on the following figure.

It’s in french yet it’s easy to translate. In red, increasing activity. In blue, diminishing activity.

Thanks for this.

I need to learn a lot about this.

Second answer: difference between LD’s and ND’s

Very few scientific experiments have been done about this. At first sight, there is no big difference between LD’s and ND’s. For instance, Stephen Laberge’s experiments with EEG didn’t show anything striking.

Excerpts from Lucidity Research, Past And Future (1993)

Left parietal region is concerned in writing, mathematics and some language abilities. The left parietal cortex is also important for some visual-search tasks when the target lies in the right visual field. Thus it may be related with reality checks, verbal commands, etc.

This comment:

could show that lucid dreaming is perhaps related to PGO waves pikes. When signals from pontus are high, there is a modification in respiration rate and eye-movement activity.

As you can see, all this is rather unclear and it’s no more researched for years.