With all the WILD teqnique choices out there it is hard for me to know which teqnique is most succesful. I’m not a natrual WILDer and cannot zazen WILD. (Wilding at will)
But I have practiced to the point that I can see my Hypnogogic hallusinations, but I can’t here them. Is this right? Last night it caused a MILD when I tried to stay conscious. I fell asleep and had an LD. If this teqnique works I may use it in futrue. I think not having to do WBTB and getting an LD is good.
Also another problem (yes, yet another) is that I still can’t go through walls in my dreams or fly. Once I got so frustrated that I awoke. I also can’t demand what I want from people and never get the right person, when I want to have sex in an LD. (Sometimes my mind has better choice than I do though)
So, how do I get this WILD thing working better (or is it practice?) and how do I get through the damn walls in my dreams?!
The most success I’ve ever had with WILD was achieved by kind of talking to myself (in my head, by the way). Some people do counting backwards, but I find that replacing the counting with talking to yourself about LDs works better. Tell yourself what you’ll do when you become lucid, how you will become lucid, etc. Anything about lucidity.
Dream skills… Those can be tough. Try to concentrate on what you’re doing… Don’t just jump up and try to fly. Think about it. Likewise, don’t just go running into walls… That’s the best advice I can give you.
Actually, I would say the opposite. Don’t think. Thinking makes you doubt.
Just do things without thinking, expecting they will work. You could try pressing your finger at the wall while thinking about it, or you could just go through the wall. Before trying to go through a wall, however, I would try to clear my mind of any thoughts I might be having atm. Be confident, that’s my advice.
If that doesn’t work… Why not ask a DC for help?
Reading other people’s dream journals and this forum is excellent way to develop in dream skills. One of the troubles when you first start to LD is that you don’t know what to do. You may issue commands but they don’t work. Reading about others experiences help you break down the doubt in your mind. You can begin to rationalize the “it’s all in your head” part of LD 'ing. That’s when the fun really begins.
Research some techniques for in LD skills. (Looking at your hands, having a DC guide you, spinning)
Re-enforce them in your mind before you go to sleep.
You’ll be amazed how you can remember these skills when your in the LD.