White waves

I just had my first LD last night :partying_face: and I was amazed at what everything was like, the sights, the sounds, everything was almost more real than real, the colors were so much more vibrant than waking life, it was amazing.

There was, however, one strange anomity in the dream that did not make sense to me. When I looked to the horizon, and kind of let my eyes go unfocused, I saw really strange looking waves of white light moving slowly through the sky. I obviously did not will this so I was wondering if anyone else had seen anything like it or knew what it was?

Something your brain made up. Sounds like a nice thing though… :content:

Congrat on you 1st LD, D’ForceMaster! :clap:
No idea about what you see was. You know, LD’s are dreams, so strange things may happen in them. :content:

On my count, everybody cheer for D’ForceMaster, ok? :happy:

1… 2… 3!




Happy days! I remember my first forced LD was 3 years ago…

Congratulations D’ForceMaster! Feels great don’t it? :content:

I hope you have many more LDs.

Yeah, congrats D’ForceMaster. Your first LD is the thing that gives you confidence and knowledge that you can LD. That’s good stuff.