i believe wether you like it or not Adolf hitler was a genius for what he did for germany he would of been a better genius had he not let rage blind him.Killing the jews was his one great mistake.
Oh boy, you start out this thread by stating that you think Hitler was a genius of his time? That’s gotta stir up some controversy. . .
Personally, I think having his art rejected was what really let the beast out. If only he was more into surrealism. . .
yes true i forgot about his art bieng rjected.i dont care if controversy happens that is what i wanted actually just to see what happens if i said that,i also believe it
Hitler really didn’t do anything for Germany but pump all their funds into the army.
Hitler wasn’t really a genious. He was just a really good speaker. And he also had the ability to put people under hypnosis in large crowds. Killing jews was not his big downfall. Telling Japan to attack the United States was because once they got in it, Hitler was as good as dead.
As for the worlds greatest genius, I think it would have to be Alexander Ghram Bell. Without him there would be no internet, no telephone, this world would be a lot less developed place without him.
hitler did alot of things for germany.he freaking revolutionized it.He built the u bahn for them he if memorie serves correctly he made the original design for the volkswagon beatle he also led to the split of germanies east to west which allowed east(i think it was) to take all the technology and become more advanced then west germany .so there
Hitler was a very naughty naughty man who did many bad things.
However, he had the ability to lead the peoples like not many before him and the capabilities and charisma to unite the peoples against a common enemy. He was not a genius, but when it came to military, he was exceptional and had many different ways of keeping his people united under him.
However, he is nowhere near the geniuses that I know. I’m talking geniuses of old- far too many to count in china. And this is just military.
Two that stand out past any others to me are Zhuge Liang (Styled kongming) and Sun Tzu- author of the art of War. Just as well, in Japan, the great Miyamoto Musashi has shared his military genius in the book of five rings. And this is all just military.
What of Einstein for scientific development? What of Edison for invention and innovation? What say you all?
Also, by the way, I’ve noticed this about you Shinta. When you are on the boards, you are like Cao Cao (mengte). You thrive on the chaos. ^,^
ah yes Zhuge liang and the great Sun tzu i forgot about them aslo miyamoto musashi too.einstein was only good at math not very well rounded but a genius none the less his theories are astounding and truly amazing.edison was awesome too,but dont forget benjamin frankiln and his findings.Napoleon was a military genius for bieng 4 foot or so.
I don’t think Hitler was a genius, he just knew how to manipulate people, which you do not have to be even remotely a genius to do.
He did help fine tune the art of propoganda and he was very successful, but given the times and the ignorance of the entire world (how do you get independant media from a tyranny? You don’t, at least, not until the internet came around…) he didn’t have to do much.
I guess, he was very good at what he did, and he had to be pretty smart to orchestrate the take over of power, but as we have seen it is easy to rally blind support when you are attacked by “terrorists” Hitler used that fire (i don’t recall the name of it) and blamed it on terrorists (when in fact he may have started it) and he used that to create a department of homeland security, he used it take people’s freedoms away, in order to keep them safe.
Basically, he pulled a Bush, or should I say Bush is pulling a Hiitler, the only difference being I’m sure, unless Bush an illuminati pawn, that Hitler was much much more smart than Bush ever would have been, and did what he did a ton better.
He was a better speaker hands down…
the thing is though, people are very easy to manipulate, and get drastically easier so the further back in time you go, I mean, the church invents the concept of hell, wow, you have a way of getting every single person to do exactly what you say, becuase if they don’t, they’ll burn in hell…
the more ignorant they are, the easier they are to control… though we as a world and especially America are sitll largely ignorant and driven by propoganda, it is harder to control us given our unprecendented free speech capabilities through the internet and instant access to all information mankind has ever had, at our fingertips.
If we were as controlled and “primitive” as people were back in the beginnings of Nazi Germany Bush probably would have 10 times the power he does now, providing he wanted it, which he probably does.
[b][color=indigo]To change the subject from Hitler…Queen Elizabeth the First
Reasons: Queen Mary was a Roman Catholic and burned THOUSANDS of people for their beliefs, or simply asking about new things. I know Elizabeth plotted and schemed and was not the most…innocent of virginal people. But if it wasn’t for her we would still be able to be ruled by Roman Catholics and wouldn’t have anything of the modern world, no radio, no cds no computers, no internet, no tv, no CARLING no horoscopes in the daily newspaper, no trousers for women, no space exploration, the sun would still be said to go round the earth and there would be no hope for people of older beliefs, like wicca (sob sob). New things were against god and noone could ask or search for anything new. Thanks to Elizabeth we cannot be ruled by Roman Catholics by law (I know R.C.'s nowadays are ok and normal (I’m baptised R.C.) but thank god (hehe) we have new stuff and I hope no strict R.C ever rules again and says noone can learn anything new.
Man, I’m really sad, but I love that time period lol[/color][/b]
Hitler wasn’t a genius! HE was possesed by Satan himself! He even said in mein kampf that the demons that possessed him were overwhelming and that they had taken over his life!
But as for smart, I’ll have to say either Bill Gates for basically inventing the computer in which our society fully depends on. I mean you saw how crazy people went when “Y2K” came around, they were selling everything and living in empty pools covered with tarp to protect them, i mean come on!! Or I’ll say Wherner Van Brahn (sp?) just cuz i like him and he helped us beat the Russians to the moon, nothing against the Russians…
"Hitler wasn’t a genius! HE was possesed by Satan himself! He even said in mein kampf that the demons that possessed him were overwhelming and that they had taken over his life! "
Are you joking?
Maybe he didn’t mean demons in a literal sense, such as someone referring to alcohol as his “demons” such as “the demons have a hold of me again”
I of course don’t believe in Satan, I think Satan is just a cop out for the naive who want to think they are 100% pure and all the evils of society are Satan’s fault, not their own.
Marilyn Manson (not a fan of him) had something very good to say about that…
and it’s funny they go all crazy about “Satanists” as literal devil worshipping occultists when in fact the religion of Satanism (at least that of which started by Levay) is just basically a rejection of God/Satan, but kind of different than atheism.
He also wanted it to not be called Satanism, I believe… due to the misconsceptions it brings about.
But anyway… I quite admire people like Ghandi, Buddha, etc, I’m not sure I’d call them geniuses but they were on to something…
No the Literal translation from german is actual Demons, like Demon demons, not like alcohol demons.
[b][color=indigo]The only good thing I can think of that came out of hitler’s mouth was the idea about people with disabilities and diseases. That they should not have their own children but adopt one of the many unloved children of the world to help stop orphanages and to stop the spread of diseases and mental disablilities etc that can be passed on through your genes.
But of course I don’t agree with what he did after that which was to KILL all the disabled people.
Hitler had good ideas, but he didn’t use those ideas well and certainly was no friend to the people!
But I do have a certain respect for him being able to go through his life fighting for what he believed in such a way that the smallest man became a ‘great’ man.
If only he had believed in saving the whales or something. Well he WAS an animal rights activist.[/color][/b]
Exactly what I wanted to say earlier, but I didn’t want to be criticized. Bush and Hitler both had INSANE charisma. That’s why Bush is prez, and Hitler was capable of doing what he did.
Shinta: Einstein was a Physics guy, not a mathmetician.
And I stand behind Zhuge as the man who can predict anything that anyone can do. ^,^
Anyways. Yea.
Hitler wasn’t a genius. In fact, he made the exact same mistake Bonaparte did 130 years earlier. The bewildered herd will turn towards anyone for guidance during an economic depression. (by the way, he blamed Germany’s loss of WWI on America’s superior propaganda)
If I had to pick a military genius, I’d say Hannibal or Sun-Tzu.
These are some of the people who I think are geniuses, though I didn’t put much thought into it (genius is just a fancy way of saying you respect someone?): Marx, Darwin, Einstein, Aristotle.
I’d say Aristotle was, for his time, the most intelligent person who ever lived. Though I imagine, throughout history, the names of many brilliant people aren’t anywhere to be found in any books or television shows.
A Vae- Sun Tzu is de best. But what about the other guys?
Shinta- You are a superjew. Have you forgotten that yo?
aristotle the greek guy who was a predecessor of darwin right?if that is him then i must agree.
pistgurl i dissagree hitler went the right way to get rid of the crippled and retarted people.
where could i find a copy of mein kampf? could you tell me thanks
LaVey thought of calling it Humanism, as it’s basically about being yourself and not letting “false” religions force you to be someone you are not. But humanism is not a religion therefore he chose Satanism as it was in many ways the oposite of what many religions teach.
Basically do what you wish rather than do as we say, unfortunately due to the name many people think of Satanism as being that devil worshi c**p they see in holywood movies.
As for the original question great geniuses - i would have to say none of the above (with the possible exception of Sun-Tzu) as inventor wise they didn’t really accomplish anything that wouldn’t have come about anyways.
Fine they revolutionised the period of time they lived in but a lot of the things people ceit as being genious would probably happened any way without the person who originally invented it.
One of WWII’s greatest moments i think was Germany’s stealth aircraft plans. Which were stolen and handed to American scientists and formed the basis of the aircrafts now know as the F117A Stealth Bomber & B2 Stealth - although the original plans did look more like the B2 Stealth - the F117A was the first to be made.